and Love
Thank you Dan for the clean kitchen, the flowers and not raising your eyebrows as I drown myself slowly in chocolate.
Happy Decadent Holiday of Catholic Origin everyone!
If you’ve written about love today, leave a link in the comments. For now, go check out Jeana’s awesome post.
I love you. 😀
I think I would enjoy the clean kitchen the most, except I haven’t had any dishes in the sink for longer than ten minutes for the last two days. Go me! My DH and I are getting a couples massage on Friday, although technically it’s a Christmas present from the in-laws. I can’t wait.
Nothing says love like clean dishes. That’s the gift that keeps on giving…well, until their dirty again.
Ben thinks I’m tired because I’m laughing at your post and crying at the same time. Sigh. Have fun drowining yourself in chocolate. Don’t forget to smell the roses on the way down. Happy Decadent Holiday of Catholic origin to you, too.
Nothing gets me in the mood more than a clean kitchen (cleaned by someone other than me)!
We have a sweet Valentines post over at Tales from the Crib if you want to check it out.
I have a Valentines post… it’s the story of how I mocked a young man and then he asked me out…
Have a good one
Hmm…not the first thing that comes to my mind when I think pleasure, but having read my post already you knew that. And I guess if we’re doing pictures the chocolate is the better route to go with that.
Clean kitchen! What a treat. I also had breakfast made by my kids…and a gift from hubby:
Happy Valentines Day!
His Girl
Oh how I love the Cadbury Mini Eggs. I think it is because they only come out once a year; usually I go solely for dark chocolate. But there is something about those that I can’t stop until the entire 20 oz bag is gone. Then I look around wondering who ate them all.
The cleaned kitchen would be a delight too.
Oh, the kitchen. Now THAT’S the kind of thing that gives me a tingle.
I’m glad to know this year did not have nostalgic throwbacks to Magoo’s hand in the door.
The best Valentine ever- the hand drawn, written in white-out card from my HUSBAND!
awww, what a great guy 🙂 i wrote today, but i’m too lazy to copy the direct link, lol. it’s on tha blawg, though 🙂
Sounds like a wonderful Valentine’s Day! I’m all about the romance of clean!
Hope you are having a good week!
Cadburry mini eggs AND a clean kitchen, awesome! Roses too, just icing on the cake! Must resist buying those eggs for a while or I will eat way too many.
My valentine’s post ended up being a bunch of pictures of our little boy. That’s love, though not at all romantical
I’m telling you, that kind of day lead to a wonderful night in the bedroom in my book.
My man always has me at cleaning the kitchen…
And those flowers were gorgeous.
He’s a good one. all right. I think you should keep him and live happily ever after too!
everyone needs a little recognition and thanks.
Wow- chocolate, flowers and a clean kitchen, now that’s what I call romance 🙂
Chocolate and Guinness. It was perfect. Yes, I typed Guinness.
Love those Cadbury eggs and I’m with Mary when she says she has to resist them for awhile still or else she’ll eat too many!
My valentine post in all its glory lol:
Mini-Eggs are eeeeeevillll!