No one knows why Wanda went all Mike Tyson on Dan while we stood on the sidelines watching Laylee play soccer tonight. Everyone knows we’re glad that she did it a second time so I could take this picture. I mean, “WHAT?!”
Archives for September 2010
Huey Lewis and Batman
As we drive around town, Magoo, smart kindergartener that he is, shares the facts with me. Sometimes I get the idea he’s making the facts up as he speaks. He’s learning about the world and he wants to instruct others, share the knowledge and the love.
Sometimes he says things like, “Two plus four is totally six,” and then stares out the window with a big grin on his face.
Today we sat parked next to a soaking lawn in the U District, because cars are always stopped in the U District. It is always rush hour there. And he said, “You don’t really have to worry about wet grass.”
“Well, you always worry about wet grass and other wet stuff and it’s really okay.” Here I think he must be referring to slugs and I resent him suggesting that I have a problem with wet things when my real issue is with muddy wet grass on my carpet and slime on my feet.
A little later on the drive the song Cruisin’ came on the radio with Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow. There’s a section of lyrics near the end of the song where they sing, “Baby let’s cruise. Let’s flow, let’s glide.”
Magoo is really conscious of lyrics and likes to interrogate me about them/ come up with explanations of what they mean.
Magoo: Why did they say, ‘We’ll glide?’ Because persons can’t glide.
Me: I’m not sure Buddy.
Magoo: The only one that can glide is Batman.
Magoo: Because he’s got a glide suit. I mean, come on!
Longer pause.
Magoo: Batman’s not real, is he?
Me: I don’t think so.
Another long pause as he looks very serious.
Magoo: You know what? I bet that guy singing is Batman. THAT makes sense.
Me: So he’s just singing about how he’s going to put on his glide suit and go flying?
Magoo: Yeah. He’s totally Batman.
Independent Kids – No Imitations
Magoo informed me this afternoon that he wants me to change his name to J. J. I was pretty sure he hadn’t seen Lost or the new Star Trek movie so I assumed Mr. Abrams had nothing to do with this choice. I was right.
“There’s a boy in my class named J. J. and he’s my friend. His name is just J. and J. Isn’t that cool?”
“Yeah. That’s pretty cool.”
“It’s so cool. He’s my friend but he has way more friends than me. He hangs out with like 4 guys every day on the playground. I want to change my name to J. J.” [Read More at]
Drowning in Cuteness
There is no shortness of cute at our house lately. There is no shortness of soccer, rain, dirty dishes, cheerios on the floor, or late nights full of homework and milk.
There is a shortness of time. Time is flying by too quickly. The Fatness just turned one and I thought I’d share some pictures I took today. Here she is paying oh-so-close attention during Sunday School.
Mothers who function and manage to look good, keep a clean house and care for your kids – I salute you. Sometimes I’m just barely keeping my nose above water here. But I am keeping it above water.
There’s sort of a magic to motherhood. Things always work out.
Just when you think all is lost because your son stashed his favorite blanket in a crevice outside an unnamed shop at the mall, you find that the sales clerk at Ben Bridge Jewelers has found it and put it aside for you.
When your 7-year-old is exploding with rage and attitude and you wonder if the teenage years are already upon you, you touch her back and feel her melt and turn to you for love.
When you’ve given up all hope of ever figuring out what’s wrong with your moody baby, a tiny white tooth pokes its way through her gums.
When you realize your umbrella’s really for real lost and that you must buy another one or sit drenched at soccer games, Nintendo sends you a back-to-school package with a new one inside. (They must know I live in Seattle or something.)
When the kids are cranky, the house mess is out of control and you can’t think of another nice thing to say, you find that it’s bedtime and you all hit reset for a few hours. Things usually look better in the morning. Well maybe the house doesn’t look any better but you all like each other a ton more after a nice rest.