I got off the phone with my friend today when Laylee put her hand on my shoulder and said seriously, “Mom. I have one thing. When you were on the phone I heard you say a little bit of ‘craps’ and that’s not a good thing.”
Personal Blog of Author Kathryn Thompson
I’ve been discplined similarly myself. ;>)
How often the teacher suddenly becomes the student!
Little ones mimic too well 🙂 !!
have you talked to heather about “Oh crap the chips!”?
Of course you’ve taught her well. How else would she have learned the art of gentle correction? Keep up the good work, but maybe lay off the “little bit of craps” in the future.
“A little bit of craps…” …lol…
Mommy, please stop making the baby Jesus cry.
cusser!cusser!cusser! 🙂
I had that EXACT same conversation yesterday when I took Zeebie shopping with me. (the traffic…)
I love it!!! Mine repeated DANG IT the other day.
Our word of no no is “stupid”..so when I say it, my kids tattle on me to my husband. “Daddy, Mommy said a bad word!!”
#1 Son asked me why I said crap a few days ago. Whoops. Guess I’m not being as careful as I thought.
My favorite – “I am going to tell your mom you said Stupid.” Like her Grandma wants to hear that I am not following my own rules. What do you say to that one?
I hate it when they do this. I tried to spell B-U-T-T yesterday and my daughter said, “Mom, we say bum.” I can’t even spell anymore 🙁