I was so excited to get my hands on the Sony Digital Reader, give it a spin and tell you all what I thought of it. When I supervised the media department at a public library after college, we were always talking about the latest technology in video, music and book readers. This was about 5 years ago and digital books were out there in the market but none of them truly felt like you were reading a book. I thought they’d never catch on.
For a few years now I’ve had the scriptures and a few other books uploaded to my PDA and it’s great for quick reference but not particularly enjoyable to use and I don’t want to feel like I’m reading from a computer. I wanted to review the Sony Reader Digital Book so I could tell you how the technology was coming along and all the reasons it wasn’t good enough.
Well, that was a couple of months ago. The reader showed up at my house and I pulled it out of the box and started using it immediately. And it feels like a book. It’s small and lightweight and the screen is such that it looks like paper, truly. The font and spacing feel like a paperback except that you can CHANGE the font size. I like to keep it somewhere between itty bitty Lord of the Rings font and granny-needs-glasses large print.
There’s no backlight, which may seem like a downside, but what book glows? Not this one. It’s really like you’re reading from paper, only it always saves your place, you can fit hundreds of books in one small device, and most importantly you don’t have that lopsided page flipping problem. You know when you’re lying on your side reading and one side is always more comfortable to lay on, depending on how far along you are in the book and whether you’re reading the left or right page? But then you switch to the other page and you have to flip over on your other side or hold the book in some really weird way?
You don’t have to do that with this book. It is never lopsided and there are buttons on both sides to turn the pages.
If you’re looking for an all-in-one digital blog reader and wireless device, this is not the toy for you. But that’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for this. It does also have a black and white picture viewer, an MP3 player, and two storage card slots so you can use it to store and use a TON of media. You can even play music while you read.
It has a long battery life and the screen is viewable even in direct sunlight… like… I don’t know… a book!
There are a few negatives. The books do load slower than I’d like because you know, I like it fast. The software interface for downloading and uploading books is not super user-friendly. I fancy myself somewhat of a techie and I had some trouble figuring out how to get the books on the device the first time. There is no way to use the book while it is plugged in your computer to charge and you have to buy the DC power adapter separately, which I would highly recommend. Sony also doesn’t have the greatest selection of books in the world. They have a good amount of classic titles and a lot of new releases but the selection is not as broad as that for the Amazon Kindle.
However, I prefer the Sony reader to what I’ve seen of the Kindle because I want a book, a real book, but better. I hope they continue to grow their inventory of content.
I waited weeks to do this review because I’m so enjoying using it and because of my advertising contract now I must pass it on to one of you. So weighing in at a retail value of $299.00, I give you the Sony Reader Digital Book. It also comes with 100 free classic titles from Shakespeare to George Eliot.
Now does anyone want to give me one? It’s on my wish list. Oh the joys of carrying my entire library around all the time!
If you’re willing to enter this giveaway, even though the reader is lightly used and has my cooties on it, leave a comment listing 2 non-religious books you’d like to carry around with you everywhere. I know you all love the Bible and the Koran. What else do you love? (I’m willing to ship within the US. Anywhere else, I’ll be happy to send it if you pay the postage.)
I’ll randomly choose a winner Sunday night at 10pm PST. Oh, and Sony wants me to let you know that they’re not responsible if you fall and hurt yourself while reading it or if it self-destructs when you disassemble it to see the little men turning the gears on the inside.
oh… my hubs wants the sony. 🙂 sign me up. He got me the kindle for my birthday and it’s great for me but it has its little quirks too, but yeah, my hubs would love this, and maybe he’d stop stealing my kindle!
Oh, how exciting! Please add me to the list of hopeful winners. I couldn’t care less that it was used… almost everything I own is used! Anyway, let me see… 2 non-religious books I carry with me … Persuasion by the one and only Jane Austen, and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, which I finally just read for the first time.
BTW, your comment about the LoTR font cracked me up!
Oh boy would I love one of these! Let’s see… what books would I love on there? not sure! I think I would carry… really, I have no idea! I read a LOT and don’t really have favorites… Sorry about that! I do enjoy me some good chick “fluff” every once in a while, though!
Two books that I would carry with me where ever I go…. I try to read a new book every week or two, but I absolutely love (and have reread dozens of times) Ken Follet’s “Pillars of the Earth”, and I would love to carry the complete works of Shakespeare (especially in electronic format!), just to flip through.
Oooh, I’d love to have it!
Two books: The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitxgerald.
Please, please pick me! We’re stationed over in Germany (we have a US mailing address though!) and it’s so hard for me to find good books here without it taking a million years to order them from an online book store. Plus, I have a toddler; something that saves my place would be invaluable!
I remember 15 years ago when my 12th grade English teacher said “In 10 years you will be reading books on computer.” Not a one of us believed anyone they would invent it, much less anyone would have any desire to do that. I sure hope he invested in one of these companies.
War and Peace and Anna Karenina
I’m kidding. Whoo boy, I crack myself up.
I should say a medical encyclopedia and an herbal reference book, because how practical would that be? Instead I’ll say and two Jane Austen books and if the kids get bit or stung I’ll tell them to suck it up until the next chapter.
We were just talking about this last weekend and I decided that my two desert island books are To Kill A Mockingbird and Travels with Charley. I’ve re-read both a zillion times already and find something new every time.
Great giveaway!! Fingers crossed!
That is so interesting – I have heard of these digital books, but never actually seen one. Huh. Not sure what I think since I do love paper books. I would love to try it out though 🙂
Anyway, 2 books I would carry around:
To Kill a Mocking Bird
Harry Potter (series, is that allowed?)
OOooo… cool gadget! I’d love to give this to my dad. I wonder how much international posting would cost though.
Books I’d love to carry around everywhere? One of Shel Silverstein’s book because I love his poetry and another would be Pretty Little Mistakes because there’s so many stories in that one! 😛
How fun! Just TWO books, huh? Let’s see…anything by Shannon Hale (maybe Princess Academy?) and anything by Dr. Seuss (the Foot Book rules!).
I have to agree with the Harry Potter series. But I’m assuming you’re looking for new reading. So I’ll say Eat, Pray, Love and Life’s Golden Ticket.
Oh, I have so wanted one of these for soooo long! I have it on my Christmas list so we’ll see but if I won it here that would be so much better. Well, I have like 200 books on my To Read list on Good Reads but I would say that right now the TWO books I really want to read are: The Kite Runner and Twilight! Thanks!
Wow – this sounds cool! Like you, I never thought I would be interested because I love the physical qualities of books, but
I’d love to try it!
My book picks would be “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver, and “Eat Pray Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert – I have listened to the CD versions of both books over and over, as well as reading them.
Thanks – hope you get your own Sony reader for your birthday or something!
Oooh, good question. I would definitely carry around Pride and Prejudice since it’s one of the books I re-read every couple of years. And let’s see….hmmmm….also Heartbreak Hotel by Anne Rivers Siddons.
I hope I win. 🙂
oh wow!
i’m currently reading a big stack of library books that i would love to return and read on this Sony Reader 😉
so i’ll say “My Life in France” by Julia Child and “The Art of Simple Food” by Alice Waters
I’m going to be the nerd of the group…
I would carry around Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I think I am the only person in my high school English class that actually read (and enjoyed) this book. The discussions were not so, umm, discussing…
I would also carry, Please Baby Please, by Spike Lee. It’s a children’s book and it’s awesome. One of my toddler’s favorites. It’s the kind of book that we now can recite together even when we don’t have the book, you know the kind… but it’s just a cute story and if it could come on anytime, like toddler on demand, that would be awesome.
Yay! I can’t wait to hear who wins!
What a tough question! One book would definitely be a grammar reference book. The other? Hmmm…I think a book of great short stories to I’d always have something to read while waiting at the Dr. office, etc.
I am a children’s book junkie, and narrowing it down to two was tough. But I guess something from Roald Dahl and anything from the Little House series would keep me plenty happy for awhile. Oh, but “I Sold My Dad for Two Goldfish” by Neil Gaiman is a classic to. BTW, Laylee would love that book, she’d like “Wolves in the Walls” by the same author. Why didn’t those ever wind up on Reading Rainbow?
Oh my word! I’m so excited! This is so nifty!
Up until a year or so ago, I was a prolific reader. A little while after I got married and moved 6 hours away from my parents (and my dad stopped handing me book after book to read), I stopped reading new material. I got caught up in sharing my old book loves with my new husband. We’re still working our way through my collection but with the general beat down that day-in, day-out work/life gives us, we haven’t found as much (or any!) time lately to sit down and read.
I used to carry a book with me everywhere to read during downtime – then I started getting sciatic pain and my husband (somewhat strongly) encouraged me to get smaller and smaller purses. For some reason he was convinced that carrying two tons around at all times was unhealthy. My book companions have been lost in the mix. I would love to have a digital reader that carried all sorts of books at my fingertips, how cool is that!!
Two books I would personally carry around are probably Songmaster by Orson Scott Card and Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
If you’re asking for us to list 2 books because you want suggestions for reading material that will ignite your imagination and will be difficult to put down then check out the following: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, God-Shaped Hole by Tiffanie DeBartolo, Alanna by Tamora Pierce (For younger readers, my guilty pleasure book), Druids by Morgan Llewelyn or Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey.
Here’s to the possibility of no future paper cuts!
It is hard to pick, but I think that I would love to carry around Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion both by Jane Austen. That way I have books that I love with me and I also look smart for picking a classic.
I’d put “The Stand” and any James Michener book on it. I have re-read The Stand several times and my hands always get tired of holding the book because it is so big!
What a great give-away! Thank you so much!
Melissa in FL
This device sounds amazing and since I don’t mind cooties, I’ll enter the contest and say that my two books would be Gone With the Wind (amazing book, better than the movie, which was fantastic!) and Catch-22 (life according to the dangerously sane, which describes me). But to be perfectly honest, I couldn’t just carry two books with me all the time.
Oh how lovely, I have been eyeing these!
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls (all time favorite book as a child)
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
I’m TOTALLY with you on reading on your side when your either beginning or almost finishing a long book! 🙂
I’d have to go with Villette, by Charlotte Bronte, and maybe Pride and Prejudice.
I would LOVE to try this out. I’ve always got a book slung into my purse and usually another one in the glove box, too. My two books… Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and probably Pride and Prejudice, too.
At this stage in my life it would likely be “kitty says meow” and “skippyjohn jones.” Can you tell I have kids?
Books are the best invention….and if I could take all my favorite books with me… and be able to read on my one side while deftly holding my book and then flip over and STILL deftly hold my book…why that would be even better!!
I would love to be considered for this giveaway. My two (you’re gonna limit me to two?) favorite books that I would have to carry around with me everywhere are: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (I bought this book about 8 years ago, and have the whole series-there are 6 books with at least one more on the way), and Beacon at Alexandria by Gillian Bradshaw (again, I’ve re-read this one about a zillion times)
Um.. could you enter me 10 times, cuz I really want this 🙂
Oh sign me up! My OCDness would love 100 books in one LOL! 2 non-religious books though . . . umm . . . umm . . . probably Happy Housewives by Darla Shine, and The Surrendered Wife.
I’ve downloaded books on tape to my mp3 player from my library’s website and thought I was SO tech-savvy, and now this comes along!
My two books: the Lord Peter collection by Dorothy Sayers (every short story with Lord Peter Wimsey in it), and The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I go back to both of these every year or so.
Good question. I think I would keep a copy of “The Secret Garden” with me forever. Also, “Rebecca” by Daphne de Maurier. That book has it all.
I have to delurk for this giveaway, although I’m still hesitating a little because of the challenge of choosing only two books. I think one would have to be The Once and Future King by TH White, and the other a book of poetry, but this is harder to narrow down. Hmm… I don’t know if such a thing exists, but I’m going to choose a possibly imaginary poetry anthology including the likes of Plath, Neruda, Cummings, Angelou, Atwood, Eliot, Whitman, Louise Gluck, Audre Lord, Adrienne Rich, and many others.
What an amazing giveaway!
Ohhhh how to choose!
I guess I would have to go with Candide and Pride&Prejudice…
or maybe Anne of Green Gables….or…
That’s such a tough one. It’s a good thing it holds more than 2 books!
A big book of quotations and The Complete Works of A.A.Milne – something for me to read in short snippets and to always be ready for a quick story time with the kids.
Oh, what a great thing! Between this and my audiobooks on my ipod I would be set for LIFE! My two books would be Gaudy Night by Dorothy Sayers and The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
I’ve been skeptical about the “feel” of this type of product, but your review sounds great! My two books? Little Women and Anne of Green Gables.
Oh my. Ben is dying to get his hands on some sort of like reader. So if I win, I will be his favorite wife ever! I mean, I am his only wife, of course. But then even if I die and he gets a new wife, she would never be better than me, so, come on big money!!!
The two books I would carry around are: Pride and Prejudice by Jane, and The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone
Wow, what a giveaway!!
Pride and Prejudice and … I don’t know. Whoever said Persuasion, probably that too. Jane Austen just stands up really well to rereading. I can go back to her over and over, and still enjoy her wit.
I would love to give this a try. Carry around 200 books, Wow!
I would say 2 must haves would be…. All the Jane Austen books, maybe some Dickens and Gaskell. Harry Potter is always good. Oh.. Jane Eyre. Anne of Green Gables and anything else written by Montgomery. Oh… I can’t only think of two.
What two books *would* I want to carry around constantly? Geez. I’ve heard people say that choosing their favorite book is like choosing a favorite child, but since I only have one kid, choosing books is much harder…
I think I’ll go with the complete Emily Dickinson (the newer one) and something by Michael Ondaatje.
Thanks for the review–and the giveaway!
OMG! I love love love Harry Potter. I know that it’s cheesy and they are entirely too big to carry around 24/7 but any of those and also the nicholas sparks books. They make me laugh and cry and leave me a oh so good feeling inside.
OH, my dh would LOVE this….I think I would want “To Kill a Mockingbird” & “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom
Oooh I am with Mary, Harry Potter and To Kill a Mockingbird.
I’m outing myself here as a Walgreen’s book reader, but I love anything by James Patterson and with a young teen in the house, I’m enjoying “Mama Rock’s Rules”. I’ve got a lot to learn.
It is so hard to narrow it down to two. I love books and I love owning books.
The two favorites that I have read this year are Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time by Greg Mortensen and David Oliver Relin and Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale (one of my favorite young adult fiction writers.)
This thing looks cool. I read in bed every night and the turning part really gets me 🙂 My two books would be 1) A good cookbook…right now I’m digging the one by Katie Lee Joel. 2) Gorgeously Green. I actually pick it up several times a day to reference things so it would be handy to have it on my person all of the time.
I was struggling with a book in bed this morning. I like to lay on my side and read as well.
I have downloaded some books from i-tunes to my i-pod and listened to them for convenience but I miss the pages and the re-reading certain parts. I think one of these handy-dandies would be great.
I think two books that I could read over and over are Persuasion by Jane Austen and Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer.
I have found myself in some very strange contorted positions while trying to read a book in bed. Reading in one of my favoritest things in the whole wide world, so I always have a book close at hand to read after the kids are in bed… or napping… or playing together peaceably without grabbing toys from each other or poking each other in the eyeballs. Anyway, “At the Back of the North Wind” by George MacDonald and “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte are two of my all-time favorites!
I need to read The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley every year. And Robin Hobbs books are wonderful too! Hmmmm I think I have a thing for writers named Robin!
i’d pick diary of Anne Frank and Pride and Prejudice
Iused to read. A lot. Then I had kids. Maybe a reader will motivate me to read more. I must win it.
East of Eden
The Notebook
Oh, it’s hard to pick just 2 books! I think I’d have to pick a little bit of everything
1) the Harry Potter series (for the Hermione in me)
2) anything by Maeve Binchy (for the Irish side of me)
3) I know this much is true, by Wally Lamb (for the serious side of me)
4) The Shopaholic series (for the chick-lit side)
and, finally,
5) The Secret Garden (for the little girl I’ll always be!)
🙂 Becky
It would be great to have right with me “Mother Nature: on mothers, infants, and natural selection” and “a heartbreaking work of staggering genius”, because I love them and refer others to them so often.
I would take “Charms for the Easy Life” by Kaye Gibbons and “Cold Comfort Farm” by Stella Gibbons.
Ooh! This is great! I would love this. My two books would be Freakonomics and My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult.
I hate nothing more than being trapped without reading material. I freak out. Seriously. This would be a lifesaver. Let’s see… two books… 1) The Complete Poems and Stories of Winnie the Pooh (for Ethan, really!) and 2) whatever the newest british chick lit book is. I dont really like re-reading things I’ve already read.
Wow – my husband and I were just talking about this last night! He’s reading a 1000-page book with tiny tiny font, and wishing he had something like the ebook, so he could enlarge the font without having to make the book any heftier than it already is. Please add us to the list of potential recipients!
I would put “Under the Tuscan Sun” on it, because that’s what I’m reading now, plus “Atlas Shrugged” (the 1000-page book my husband is reading), and Barbara Kingsolver’s “Small Wonder”, because it’s full of thought-provoking essays that would be nice to have on hand while waiting in line, etc. And I’d probably be a dork and put a reference book or two on there, because that’d be handy. The Grapes of Wrath and the Secret Garden, because I love them. And maybe a Spanish book, so I can practice, and a humorous book, for rough days, and… good heavens, what Wouldn’t I put on there?! It’d be great!
I would LOVE to carry Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice. Also most things by Orson Scott Card. Also Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner. Also Ballet Shoes.
I’d have to pick Secret Garden and anything Jane Austen. I’ve taken quite a liking to CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia of late also.
Tough choice. If I won I would need to get a few storage cards so I can select more than two options. 🙂
Hmmm. Two books.
The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
Isn’t funny that when you try to think of something like this your mind goes blank!? Or maybe that’s just me. The titles that jump into my head right now are The Accidental Tourist (or any other Ann Tyler book), and The Bone Setters Daughter (or anything by Amy Tan).
Do they have to be fiction? Because although one of my books would be LotR (sorry, but I truly love love love those books), the other would be my fabulous Readers’ Digest Book of Facts that was published back in…um…1988. Yes, it’s old. But it truly is one of my favorite books in the world, because it is full of interesting, two paragraph (at most) tidbits of random facts that I find FASCINATING. I would pour over it as a child, spouting off odd things to my mother (marvelous for her, I’m sure), and even now as a mama myself, I still love to get it out and browse through it.
I would definetly have to go with A Steadfast Surrender by Nancy Moser and The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I could re-read both of these books all the time. I’m also writing down all the other suggestions to put on my book list! Great giveaway
I want to win! 🙂
I’m going to cheat a bit and say The Norton Anthology of British Literature (because that thing has so much great stuff in it–books and books).
For the second . . . maybe the complete Jane Austen or the complete set of Anne of Green Gables.
The techie family paves the way for us again! Thank you for always being the first one in the family to test everything out so we know what to buy. All Hail Rock Band and Guitar Hero! Hip Hip Horray!
“Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer
“Success Principles” by Jack Canfield
…a true teenage, love sick, self-help junkie.
Definitely Pride and Prejudice, since I read it about once a year. Also, the Count of Monte Cristo, the unabridged version, of course. I LOVE that book.
I would carry around Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and my Betty Crocker cookbook. It would be amazing.
I do not like to think too hard when I read, so I am really in to chick lit.
I absolutely adore all of the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich and could read them over and over, so that would definitely be on my reader. Fearless Fourteen is the new one that I want really bad.
Second choice? Any one of Jennifer Weiner’s books, but I would really like to read the newest one, since it has been over a year since I have read one of her books, and I am only pretty sure that there is a newer book. I do not even know the title. Oh jeez, let me go google it…be right back.
OK, I’m back, it is called Certain Girls.
So there you have it, my two non-religious choices. Now pick me to win…PLEASE!!!! And thank you! What a cool giveaway!
I would have Les Miserables and Count of Monte Cristo in there right away. My two most favorite books of all time.
Followed shortly by East of Eden 🙂
I am delurking to enter this contest too! Your blog always makes me smile!
Okay, my books are . . .
Any of Jane Austen’s work! Especially Persuasion or Emma (which, I was happy to see, is the book in the picture!).
Also, I’m on a C.S. Lewis kick. I re-read Prince Caspian recently to prepare for the movie, and then went back and re-read the rest of the Chronicles of Narnia. Good times!
Hmm…only two books? How to decide? Probably Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged and Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. If I do get picked, please know that I am on vacation and won’t be back for a week from when you choose your winner! So please don’t give it to someone else!
Wow, I didn’t even know those existed. My husband and I are book junkies for sure, so it’s good to know if we don’t win we’ll have to buy one when they get cheaper 🙂
My books are this AWESOME book called, A Return To Modesty by Wendy Shalit. She’s incredibly intelligent while funny and thought provoking – I learned so much, it really changed the way I viewed modesty. Would be great for your new calling if you need a good new read! Plus she was stinking 24 when she wrote the book, which blows my mind.
The second I’d have to say “And There Was Light” by Jaques Lusseyran, arguably one of the best books of the 20th century. He was a blind French man who led an underground resistance against the Nazis. Inspiring, is an understatement.
Pick me! Pick me!
The Blue Sword, by Robin McKinley
Step-Ball-Change, by Jeanne Ray
What a fun giveaway! 🙂
As a voracious reader since age 5, I’d LOVE this… and I’d love to *finally* read “Life of Pi” and “Quicksilver” on this cool li’l unit.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Time and Again, Jack Finney
Stori Telling, Tori Spelling
I’ve seen it and it’s beautiful!
It’s been so long since I’ve been able to take time to read fiction, so mine would probably be related to autism, homeschooling or parenting. Right now I’m reading “Captivating” by John and Stasi Elderidge, so perhaps a SONY reader would speed up my targeted finish date of 2014!
If I win, I promise to drive to your house to pick it up!
My two books:
1- “The Drifters” by James A, Michener (read it. You’ll love it and you’ll be all “how did a mormon girl from Utah fall in love with this book?)
2- “Lonesome Dove” by Larry McMurthy (read it. You’ll also love it and you’ll wonder “why does a girl as hip as Isabel love a book about cowboys so much?”)
(and did the commenter above me really choose a book by Tori Spelling?!)
Well, these are not classics, as some are suggesting, but more of good, entertaining reference tools, especially for men. The first is “How to Iron Your Own Damn Shirt: The Perfect Husband Handbook Featuring Over 50 Foolproof Ways to Win, Woo & Wow Your Wife.” This is really a great book for any man, single and married alike. The second book would be “The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” because 1) it’s hilarious and 2) you never know if/when the Earth might be obliterated to make way for an intergalactic space highway and whose gonna be the guy with the towel? This guy.
Oooo ! Pick me! Pick Me!
I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with just two books. Two?? It’s like trying to decide which of my children is the favorite!
I’ll have to go with Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Kingsolver, and anything written by Anne Fadiman.
Oooohhh, you got me. I have to try for this one; to think I could lay however I want to and read, what a novel idea. Only another book junkie could describe the woes of reading while lying down. My two favorites are both series, dare I say it: Harry Potter and it’s religious but truly one of my favorites: The Work and The Glory. I’ve read both series many, many times. I’m a huge book geek *sigh*. Which is also why I’m glad to learn about this software anyway, it’s going on the wishlist, just in case my book karma is not strong enough to win this. But please oh please karma let me win! hehe
What a fun toy, I have been tempted by the Kindle for a while, but this sounds even better. I think my books would be Poisnwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, I have purchased it three times and still never read it, and the Thorn Birds, which I have read every summer since I was in high school.
Just two?
Ok, “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” by Tom Robbins
and “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac
or maybe “High Fidelity” by Nick Hornby and “Generation X” by Douglas Coupland
wait, no…
Don’t you just love and hate the dilemma of choosing favorite books?! It can make me just sit and ponder all day, all the wonderful books I have read. I get to cruise along my bookshelves admiring and reminiscing.
Choose two…the betrayal of all the others…choose two…taking sides…it’s like someone pointing to my two daughers and commanding “pick a favorite”…Pride and Prejudice and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall…there I chose…I’m a dreadful book lover. I took sides. Now I need a digital book to store all my other books and keep them with me forever to make up for abandoning them in that one single moment of decision…
My choice would be:
1. Any book of Alice Munro’s short stories
2. Anne of Green Gables.
What a fantastic contest and I am crossing my fingers!
Oh I would LOVE one of those for my frequent trips back and forth from Salt Lake to Denver! (The Host is far too big and heavy to lug back and forth.)
If I could carry two books with me at all times they’d be Twilight ( I know so typical but so easy to pick up and read anywhere) and anything by Jodi Picoult.
So without sounding desperate…PICK ME! PICK ME!
The Princess Bride by: William Goldman
Sink Reflections by: Marla Cilley
Hmm… Little Women. And some cookbook by Rachel Ray. Because I’m always at the store wanting something new for dinner, but I never know what to get. That would be nice.
Just two books?
The last book in the Wheel of Time series.
I’ve been carrying The Emperor’s Children around with me in the vain hope that I have time to read it.
This would be so fun!
Oh my husband would love this–he could easily take it on deployments without having to lug around a bunch of heavy books sent to him!
Two books I have loved: The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini and The secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.
Ooh! I’m a Librarian, and would totally love to try that thing out!
It’s hard to choose just two books… but I would like
1) The Host by Stephanie Meyer
2) The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
Oh, I want one of these so bad!
I’d carry around these books…
Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott
Waiting for Birdy by Catherine Newman
Thanks for entering me in the contest. I’m so excited!
This is SO cool!!
The Stand by Stephen King
The Other Bolyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory
fun fun stuff!
Wow, looks pretty cool. I would carry any books by Beverly Lewis. Can’t get enough of her books and can hardly wait for the next one to come out. Also, any mystery by Kristen Heitzman.
I am a devoted reader of your blog, but an undevoted leaver of comments. You got me with this one.
I second all of the thoughts about trying to choose 2 favorites. At the moment I’d probably say Tess of the Durbervilles (Thomas Hardy) and Peace Like a River (Leif Enger).
OMG! This is like my own personal wet dream!! I have SO many books piled up around my house that I can’t find my own kids half the time. The idea of being able to carry hundreds of books around with me without loosing any children is awesome!
Hum… only 2? Take them with me anywhere? That’s tough. I’d have to go with:
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin
I can only pick two books…such a decision…I think I would pick Fahrenheit 451…and War and Peace…I have always meant to read W&P but it was way too big to carry about…this could give me the lift that I need to read it finally.
What an awesome giveaway!. . .Maybe
A Room With a View EM Forster,
Cry the Beloved Country Alan Patton
Well, considering that I have the Jane Austen works practically memorized (and it looks like everyone on here has already chosen them anyway so I could just borrow a copy from one of them), I’m gonna have to go with my [other] nerdy side and say Enchantment by Orson Scott Card and Spindle’s End by Robin McKinley.
And Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems. (Just like a Pixar movie, you’ve got to allow a short before the main feature!)
Backup nerdular nerdance-type reads would include The Host by Stephenie Meyer, The Lord of the Rings, the rest of Robin McKinley’s books, and Book of a Thousand Days and Austenland by Shannon Hale. Okay, and Sense and Sensibility and Mansfield Park (since all of my neighbors are carrying copies of Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion).
You seriously know how to attract traffic to your website, eh?
Here’s two:
Great Expectations (Dickens)
Human Action (Ludwig von Mises – the last great liberal)
Pick me!!! 😀
1. Love in the Time of Cholera
2. Puget Sound Birds (so I can ID any birds while I’m out and about! bird geek that I’ve become!)
Gifts from the Sea
Cry, the Beloved Country
All the best!!!
I would love this!!! I would have to have East Wind, West Wind by Pearl Buck and the entire collection of Jane Austin (who could choose just one).
Two books I’d carry around with me everywhere…
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Please add me to the hundreds of other interested fans. I would like to add my two books…
“The Princess Bride” (yes, the movie was based on this book and like most cases the book is WAY better…you’re asking yourself if that is possible…it is)
Le Petit Prince ( a great book for contemplating about our place in the world)
I really don’t know if I could pick just two. Seriously.
But The Last Unicorn is a perennial favorite of mine. And maybe the Winnie the Pooh stories for amusing my children.
Good to hear that they’re improving digital readers. Still, I LIKE books. Though now in the throes of packing, I think, my whole library on a disk, maybe not such a bad thing…
I would have to agree with the rest of the commenter’s, two books is too few books! The Harry Potter series, anything by Nora Roberts or David Eddings, the Twilight series, Lord of the Rings, Dracula, and the list goes on and on. I should probably limit myself to classics since that is where I am least read, but I love fluff. I was wondering about these devices, my husband tried to explain them to me when the Kindle was released but I didn’t quite get it so I would love to be able to see one in person and try it out!
This time of year I would probably say…..
Canning & Preserving for Dummies
The Star Garden (it’s the last book in the series I need to read)
Maybe an “Organization for Dummies” if it exists……
Alright, alright, you got me! I’ve been lurking for months and this is the post that finally made me break down and comment.
I would love that Sony! I would hug it and pet it and call it George. Seriously. :^)
My two books would have to be:
Anne of Green Gables (a favorite from childhood)
To Kill a Mockingbird (because it is just awesome)
Also, I just want to thank you for your blog(s). I swear, sometimes you say things that I was sure no one else thought but me. And you make me laugh, which is pretty dang cool.
Hmmm… Sherlock Holmes collection and Mistborn (or anything really) by Brandon Sanderson
I’d like this. If I won it, I would say I’d pick Creatures of Light and Darkness by Roger Zelazny and Wit: A Play by Margaret Edson. Because the idea is to pick books that I don’t already have and haven’t read. I could pick my favorites, but I already own those in book form.
This would be so handy, because right now we are literally pakcing up pretty much all of our books and putting them into storage to make way for baby #2. I would love HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY by Richard Llewellyn and SONG OF YEARS by Bess Streeter Aldrich on hand at all times.
Great idea for a give-away 🙂
Man, I would so use this!
Two books I’d love to always have on hand: The Oxford English Dictionary and the Joy of Cooking – both totally amazing references that I just don’t have around when I need them. These are not my desert island choices (Complete works of Oscar Wilde and AA Milne), but that’s not what you asked.
sorry I was jet lagged in my eager first reply. my two books that I would take everywhere are roses for mama (janette oke) and little house on the prarie (first “chapter book” I ever read on my own. Sadly unavailable in digital format at this time)
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley is my favorite book, so that would have to be one of the two…and…The Complete Chronciles of Narnia (I have seen them all in one volume) so I would have something to read to my kids…
I would love to have an e-reader, who wouldn’t . I am a big fan of
David McCullouch “John Adams” and “” He really bring American history to life.
Man I’m late. Time Traveler’s Wife and Grasshoppers have been in my hands more times than I can count!
I’d like to try this out! As for what two books I carry, that’s a tough question. How about: Whatever two paperback books I am reading at the time.
A Tale of Two Cities and Pride and Prejudice for sure.
I would love to re-read the Diary of Anne Frank and The Collector. I think I remember the title right! I read it in a college Great Books class. Actually, it was the only book that I read without faking it out with Cliff’s Notes.
Sign me up, please! We’re cool with recycling!
Tough question! I would put “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom and “Pride and Prejudice” because, hey, it’s a classic.
I would carry To Kill a Mockingbird and On the Road by Jack Kerouac. It’s hard to pick just two, good thing it comes with a lot on it already.
What the heck?
Hands down?
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery (because I already have four copies of this book and a fifth one would round things out nicely – five is my favorite number)
and. . .
Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson (because that’s a kind of book that you would want to take with you if you had one of these things to travel with. . . )
Wow – it sounds cool, even if it does have your cooties…
Only two books? I’d have to choose ‘A Room of One’s Own’ by Virginia Woolf. I read this whenever I need some feminine inspiration. I also love the Lord of the Rings and read it whenever I need some soul food (not the Southern cooking kind) of the non-religious variety.
love the time traveler’s wife, and the wolves of willoughby chase
Ooh, I’d love to have one of those. I am always tossing and turning and trying to avoid the awkward book-holding positions.
I don’t know about two specific books that I would carry around… maybe Pride & Prejudice (popular choice, I know) and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (because it’s funny).
One of my friends has carried around a copy of Fahrenheit 451 for (seriously) years. Like 5 or 6 years. He keeps it in his jacket pocket, which I guess means that he gives it a rest in the summer. But still.
Hey Kathryn, I’ve commented before but never on one of the giveaways. BUT I LOVE books and the idea of having hundreds without packing them when I go on trips–priceless.
OK, I don’t know if I could narrow it down to two. Here are some favorites off the top of my head.
Jan Karon’s Mitford series
Pride and Prejudice
Les Miserables
Les Miserables and Walden.
Sign me up!
Right now I’m really into my marketing books, as I like a bit of quick inspiration when I can get it. So I’d choose two books by Seth Godin. Perhaps Meatball Sundae and the Purple Cow.
Awesome! I’d load up The Red Tent and The Alienist.
Oh, my birthday is tomorrow and this would be such a lovely gift. Being a single mom, I probably won’t get much. My favoritest book is The Giver by Lois Lowry. I’m also currently in love with the Twilight series and I’m greatly anticipating the arrival of Breaking Dawn, so I think I would have it on there.
Two non-religious books? Hee. I spent ages carrying “If You Want To Write” by Brenda Ueland – literally, years – almost everywhere with me.
And Persuasion by Jane Austen. I’ve reread it multiple times and it still a heartbreaking and great consolation.
Hmmm..two non-religious books? I would have to say the Chronicles of Narnia, you know, the one book made up of all the other books? That counts as one book right? 😛 And I love the Brothers Grimm fairy tale book, Grimm’s fairy tales. Or any good fairy tale book. I love them!
Oh that is so cool!!! I adore that it is not backlit.
2 books, hmmmm what to choose, what to choose…something I love, and can reread over and over…and something too bulky to carry comfortably in my purse….hmmmm
1. Jane Eyre
2. The complete collection of Harry Potter (assuming someday it comes in a big compilation like that)
Yeah, that sort of sums of my reading tastes, classics to fantasy and everything in between.
If I could carry two books with me every where to read while waiting in line or sitting at the park with my kids, I would pick:
“The Twilight Series” by Stephenie Meyer because I can pick up any of those books and start reading anywhere in the story and be completely entertained.
I would also carry “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell. Scarlett O’Hara is one of my favorite characters in all of literature!
Oh Kathryn…I would rather have you in person but your goobers on some techie device would suffice if that was all you were offering.
1. Lord of the Rings because I never read it but have watched the movies like a dozen times. and I would read it in LOTR print too.
2. Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child because I’m always getting it at the library as a refresher.
I’ve never even heard of these. Crazy! It looks like fun!
My two books:
1. Anything by Jane Austen. Yes. ‘Tis true, and it didn’t escape my notice that Emma was on the Reader in your picture. 🙂
2. Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards because it doesn’t hurt to have a story about a poor orphan girl who wants love and family and…(spoiler)…eventually finds love and a family.
Reading is my big indulgence as a mom- I would so love to plunk down with this at the park while my kids play peacefully without any adult supervision! (in my dreams:)
This sounds fantastic. I have been waiting for something like this to come out! I would load it with To Kill A Mockingbird, and A Separate Peace. These are two I read in high school, and I could still read them over and over again. I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to read them and discuss them with me!
My husband would love something like this, and I would use it when he wasn’t.
I would have “To Kill a Mocking Bird” and “The Forest People”, it was one anthropology book I enjoyed in college.
This looks totally awesome! Too bad I don’t have an extra $299 hanging around…
The two books I’d carry with me are Pride and Prejudice and Anne of Green Gables.
Long time reader, but first time commenter. Kinda sad that a giveaway is what it took for me to de-lurk…
Anyway, my two book choices would be “The Light of Other Days” by Arthur C. Clark and Stephen Baxter, and “Sophie’s World” By Jostein Gaarder.
Wow, I have wanted one of these forever. I would have to say the books I would carry everywhere with me are….wow I dont have any idea, a kids book quick as a cricket and come kind of beach read, maybe a Janet Evanovich…never know when you are going to be stuck somewhere with nothing to do!
Hmmm… Looks very nice.
But only 2?
The first one would be “welcome to my planet” by Shannon Olson and I can’t decide if the other would be “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” or Annie Dillard’s “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek”
Have fun choosing!
I love Amy Tan books.. like the joy luck club. books about powerful or inspiring women! that’s what i love. you’re nice to giveaway such an expensive item..really nice!
What a cool gadget! I would like to carry Anne of Green Gables (L.M. Montgomery), because I like escaping to Prince Edward Island and reading about someone who gets in more trouble than I do, and Many Waters (Madeleine L’Engle) because I love reading her description of the story behind Noah’s ark. 🙂
And I like reading the comments on this post for other summer reading suggestions!
Can’t ever have enough electronics. Would love the William S. stuff.
Two books: East of Eden by John Steinbeck and All Over but the Shoutin’ by Rick Bragg. (Read them. Love them. Seriously.) Both are great for picking up and flipping through kind of randomly!
Just two – that is so hard. I would say the first and last Harry Potter books although I love me some John Grisham and Candace Bushnell. I also just read the Kite Runner and it was A-MAZ-ING!
Do you have to pay extra for the books? I’m guessing yes. I would love anything by Jane Austen.
Pride and Prejudice and To Kill a Mocking Bird. I’d take them both even to a Jimi Hendrix concert.
I would carry around whatever is new by David Sedaris and whatever is new by Laurie Notaro.
Free stuff is good. Free stuff involving books? That takes it to a whole new level! I know it might sound kind of boring, but I’d love to have instant access to a dictionary and an encyclopedia all the time. I’m always coming up with questions I would like a quick answer to or to show someone information about stuff I’ve gotten them interested in.
These Is My Words
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
What an amazing bit techno. I’d love to carry around “The Count of Monte Cristo” (without actually having to carry the big,fat book) and “To Kill a Mockingbird”
And if I’m going completely for fluff, I’d have to say “Can You Keep a Secret?” by Sophie Kinsella. Hilarious read.
Two? Only two?
Okay… here are two I really liked and would read again and again
The Secret Life of Bees
A Thousand Splendid Suns
I read ALL the time, but am one of those goofy readers who takes a bit longer to finish a book because I have to “create” the voices and faces of all the characters in my mind before I can continue. When I read your blog, I have even given you a “voice” ~ What a whack-o I am!! LOL!
Enter me!!
Wow. . . two books, huh?
Lance Armstrong’s Biography “It’s not about the bike”
“Beauty” by Robin McKinley
I think. I don’t know!!!
Only two? Oh man, that’s a tough one. Okay, here goes:
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom
Hmm…books I would carry….”The Secret LIfe of Bees” and “Crossing to Safety”. The Digital book looks very cool! Thanks!
It’s so hard to choose just 2 books! I would have to go with Tuesdays with Morrie and The Wednesday Wars.
My two books would be Jane Eyre and Ken Jennings’s Trivia Almanac. Mmm, trivia…
Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories (to read to my son when we’re waiting for something)
Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell (for me)
Figures I want to leave a comment on the post with 161 other comments.
I’ve never really craved a digital reader before, but I have to say the side-reading thing had me. I really hate the way books make it tough to read lying down unless you flip back and forth with each page.
Two books I’d like to see digitalized? Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy seems appropriate since the reader reminds me a bit of the guide (does it also tell you to bring your towel along?) …and …maybe Princess Bride (but they’d have to include the map too!)
This looks like an awesome toy! I could read it easily one handed while nursing!
OK, two favorites are really hard to narrow down, but I’ll say Pride & Prejudice, and The Time Traveler’s Wife. I may change my mind in 5 minutes though, so can I enter again? Pretty please?
What a fun toy – is it toddler proof? – because I have three of them!
Choosing only two books is hard, but I will have to agree with the masses for the first one – Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. It’s a classic that gets better with every re-read. Book two would be The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum (and the other two in the series, though not quite as good as the first). The movies were good, even though there are few similarities past the character’s name and his memory loss, but the books are so much more detailed and interesting.
p.s. I enjoy the blog – I found it through parenting.
OH baby sign-a me-a up-a I would love to carry around less bulk and stroage.
The two books I would like are…..
The fourth book of Stephanie Meyer Twilight series!
Only two? Fine, I suppose your limit is acceptable. Only because of the whole giveaway thing.
1. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
2. The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
How about:
1. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, as someone mentioned above, it seems appropriate
2. Good Omens, will it show the foot notes? Gotta have the foot notes.
You are very generous!
1.) The Complete Novels Of Jane Austen (in one paperback!)
2.) The Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Pride and Prejudice and any P.G.Wodehouse novel.
Thanks for this great giveaway!
I would want
1) A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens
2) Les Miserables, Victor Hugo
I would choose Jane Eyre and Les Miserables. This device would be a dream come true!!!
Hi, I’m a first-time commenter, wanting to read the classics.
Pick me, pick me, pick me
The formidable task of choosing only two…okay, these will really for sure seal the deal on how dorky I am but I feel that at times like this, it is worth it..!!! The two books I would carry with me at all times, and usually DO have them with me for that rare moment of readibility, are the Dramatists Play Service copy of “Steel Magnolias” and “Bitter is the New Black” by Jen Lancaster because there are some times I just really, really need a good laugh.
It’s very hard to pick just two. I’d choose Pride and Prejudice and The Hobbit.
I would have to choose:
These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery
I just loved the book “Same
Kind of Different As Me” by Denver Moore and Ron Hall
(especially chapter 22)
and also
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
I have a house full of readers, this would be so cool to share!
2 books to carry with me? I’d have to say A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and anything written by Lloyd Alexander, Robin McKinley, or Katherine Paterson. Or one of hundreds of other choices! Asking me to choose one or two favorite books is like asking me to pick my favorite child! lol
Anyway, hope you pick me!!!
Two books?
The Ladies of Missalonghi, by the lady who wrote the Thorn Birds. Why can’t I remember her name?
And I just love The Stainless Steel Rat series by Harry Harrison. The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell is my current favorite.
Seriously? Hilariously awesome sci-fi.
It’s my birthday this week so this would be perfect!
I would love to have some Jane Austin with me at all times and maybe Gone with the Wind.
I would love to have this!
The Kite Runner
Eat, Pray, Love
Only 2 books? I live overseas (Foreign Service spouse), so TV is awful and books are hard to come by. I think I’d choose any book by Bill Bryson and probably a corny chick lit book – maybe Jennifer Weiner’s newest book? Since I have four small kids, I could take DAYS to get through any over-complicated books. Complex plots fly right out of my post-partum brain… so the whole saves-your-place-in-the-book thing? Really, really cool.
Most of the books I reread and love to have on hand are either books from my childhood that I can’t let go of or nonfiction that has truly changed my life and I reread when I start to slip. So my two would be:
1. Affluenza
2. Room with a View
I would love to have “Anne of Green Gables” and “Peace like a River” to carry around with me always. Them are pretty words.
I hope I win!
I’d love to win! Two books… let’s see… how about These Is My Words by Nancy E. Turner and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Love ’em both.
183 responses? I can’t read them all. But I can tell you what books I’d like to be able to carry around. Whatever I’m reading right now (that’s such an indulgence to be able to say!) and a book for the kids. I’m reading A Sudden Country for a walking book club that I joined — that’s right exercise for the mind and body. I’m thinking a Dr. Seuss book for the kids. Fox in Socks is my favorite.
if i had to choose only 2 i’d choose Where the Sidewalk Ends and Gone with the Wind. 🙂 can’t go wrong with those two!
Oh–Super Cool!!! I would love to carry around Pride & Prejudice, and Garlic and Sapphires, by Ruth Reichl. Check it out, it’s awesome!
Garlic and Sapphires? That sounds intriguing. As in way strange. I’ll have to have a look.
That sounds sooooo awesome! I am so glad you reviewed this–I would love it!
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe and Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I would totally carry around _Ring of Endless Light_ by Madeline L’Engle (though my husband says I wouldn’t need to since I have it memorized already) and maybe _Harry Potter_ just for fun (Can you count all seven books as part of one really long one like they did with _Chronicles of Narnia_ ? )
Can I list more than two?
If I could get it, I’d carry around Merriam Webster’s English Dictionary. I’m a word nerd, so a good dictionary is always handy.
I’m constantly referencing some CSS computer books, so it would be nice to always have them around, without having to lug around the physical books.
In terms of fiction, I think I’d carry around a complete set of Charles Dicken’s works. I really love Oliver Twist and Great Expectations. Like the writer above, I totally think these should count as a single entry.
I also would carry around a complete set of Jane Austen’s works. My favorite there is Pride and Prejudice, which I never tire of reading.
My wife wants me to read Little Women, but I haven’t made it that far yet.
Wait, how much memory does the device have again? Because I’m wondering if I can get it all to fit 🙂
Wow. You’re a good man. If you’re already hooked on P&P, you’ll be slurping up Marmie and Joe any day now.
Have you gotten more responses to any other previous post? I can’t hope that I’ll be the chosen winner (however will you decide?), but I have to join the fray and add to your list of multitudinous pleadings. I’d have Harold McGee’s “On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen” and Victor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning,” which I have read and loved over and over. Living in Nigeria, I’ve found pleasure in experimenting in the kitchen because there are almost no prepared foods, so I always have to cook from scratch. So McGee’s book is a good reference, as well as interesting browsing. And also, sometimes living in Nigeria it helps to remember Frankl’s attitude that came from surviving the concentration camp — they can take everything away from you but your free will to decide how you feel about your circumstances.
Well, since I’m currently reading “The Yearbook” and ” A wrinkle in Time”, I guess those would be the books. I’d have to change them when I finished, though.
Boy, thats a tough one, I love to read, but I hate to re-read! LOL!
Though I will say I want to read Twilight! All my friends are, and boy I must be behind the times because I havn’t yet!
They are a way fun way to waste some time.
Never posted before but I’m making a showing for a good cause. My man would love this. I would choose:
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
Tuesday’s with Morrie by Mitch Albom
How exciting!
First 2 books would be:
The Power of a Praying Parent and
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families.
Wow…looks like my chance of winning is about slim to none but I’ll play anyway. I think if I was going to carry 2 books around with me I’d take a really good joke book (the ones I come up with are silly and lame to say the least), and probably a map. Sad, but yes…its true. I need a map…oh! a notebook! That would have to be a third book…since I can’t remember anything anymore. Oh, and maybe a book to read, like Shannon Hale’s(?) Princess Academy. Read it if you haven’t! :0)
I own it but haven’t read it yet. I’ll have to bump it up higher in my queue.
woo-hoo! sign me up!
my favorite book is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Oooh, my husband has been drooling over these for a while now. My two books would be Fix it and Forget It Crockpot cookbook and probably a poetry or short story anthology.
I just bought that crockpot book and then I lost it… the book, not my mind.
I love me some inspirational books so I says:
The Courage to Start by John Bingham
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma…I don’t consider it religious, maybe some would sooooo how ’bout
Don’t Care High by Gordon Korman. Amazing (for tweens/teens)! Oh crap now I am remembering all sorts of good books. Will stop here though.
I’d have to say that these are the two books I’d take everywhere;
and another book that has always been my favorite:
Texas Lonesome by Alice Duncan
Awesome books…awesome prize, I’d love the reader and would never mind if your “cooties” were on it 🙂
Oooh, sounds fun! I would love to carry around The Stand (by Steven King) and Anne of Green Gables (by L. M. Montgomery). I’m glad it’s more book-like than a Kindle.
Wow! That’s an unlikely pairing. Very fun.
My long-time favorites are The Prince of Tides (Conroy) and Ladder of Years (Tyler)
1. The Time Traveler’s Wife
2. HP & The Prisoner of Azkaban
Thanks for including the Qur’an in your list of beloved books. That is why you’re rad.
I think I missed your deadline (too busy celebrating my b-day), but wanted to share my books anyway: Rosie Dunne by Cecelia Ahern and El Sueno de America by Esmeralda Santiago (The English version of that is also excellent!).