I love celebrating. I mean, you know I celebrate 100 times each day when I do something amazing like make my bed or unload a dish from the dishwasher. Drops of Aweseome! But the ever-escalating pinterest-amplified expectations for holidays leave me overwhelmed.
Here are a few tips for making Valentine’s Day special without going Pinsane.
1. Wear something red or pink – You don’t need to clean target out of very specific matching Be My Valentine holiday wear. Dig something red or pink out of a drawer and consider yourself festive.
2. Make heart-shaped pancakes. If you want to get really epic, add red food coloring to make them pink. Do you need a special As-Seen-On-TV heart-shaped pancake tool? Not so much. My special tool is called A Spoon. I use it to drizzle the batter in a fat V shape that then oozes into a sort of heart. And the crowd goes wild.
My favorite pancake mix is here. My favorite wheat pancake recipe is here.
3. Write a love note. It can be on a sticky. It can be on a napkin. It can be on a text message. In a pinch it can be verbal.
4. If you have a couple of doilies, some metallic paint and about fifty heart-shaped plastic beads… oh… you don’t have any of those things? Never mind.
Have an Awesome Heart Day!
I’m doing Valentines Day this way this year. Brilliant!