I came to realize if I judged them or their obnoxious kids, my own kids and I would likely go through the same obnoxious stage about 15 minutes later. [read more at Parenting.com]
Gave you a shout out in my sidebar today – just to say I’ll think you’re vunnerfull!
Very, very well said.
— a woman with four kids, including one with several special needs that are not visually obvious, and a transracially adopted child, who gets judged relentlessly
I don’t even have to click on the [read more…] to understand. Amen, Sister. BTDT.
And now I’ll go click…
That hit so many bells for me. Wow.
Gave you a shout out in my sidebar today – just to say I’ll think you’re vunnerfull!
Very, very well said.
— a woman with four kids, including one with several special needs that are not visually obvious, and a transracially adopted child, who gets judged relentlessly
Amen. I often wonder why mothers, who should know better because they know how HARD it all is, are so ruthless and judgmental to each other.