Procrastinator seems like a made up word, like slang for someone who procrastins. It makes me think of the rodenator or a guy who would give me the wink and the gun and call me Kate-inator.
Well I’ve been procrastinatorating filling out my absentee ballot, or to be more exact, I’ve been putting off researching candidates and initiatives so that I’d have a clue how to fill out my absentee ballot for today’s election.
I’m coming to believe it’s impossible to be completely informed about who I’m voting for. I can read the voter information pamphlet, stare into the candidates’ black and newsprint-colored eyes and try to gauge the temperature of their souls. I can get out a magnifying glass and try to determine whether or not they floss their giant banana shaped tooth. It’s also useful to count up the total minutes of conflicting and deceptive TV ads for both sides of each issue, multiply them by 8 and vote for the one with the smallest amount of small print. Sometimes I find useful information online or on local newsgroups or in email forwards Dan gets at work listing the candidates’ bizarre habits and favorite flavors of lip gloss.
There’s really no way to know absolutely what the best choice will be in every single race. For initiatives I usually vote for the side that’s supported by the groups I trust most on that particular issue. It’s not foolproof but it’s worked for me so far.
Well I completely forgot about the ballot as it was sitting on top of the fridge in my basket of things that are so important for me to do that I hide them in a basket on top of the fridge where I will never think of them or ever do them. As I was leaving a friend’s house this evening, she reminded me to vote. For what? So You Think You Can Dance doesn’t start again till the summer. Oh, that one democratic election thingy.
“Well,” I told her, “I haven’t missed voting in an election since I turned 18. I guess I missed this one.”
But on the way home, I was overcome with guilt. If I didn’t vote and the public school initiative didn’t pass, what would I tell Nancy my PTA-volunteering, public school-lubbin’ friend? I must vote in every election. What if the lady who loves mint-apple lip gloss got to be on my city council? I could not abide it. So I pulled out my information packet, did some speedy research and voted to the best of my abilities.
Laylee was concerned.
“Why are you boating?”
“I’m VOTing to help decide who gets to be in charge of our country.”
With wide-eyed concern she protested, “But I don’t want ANYONE to be in charge of our country. I just want it to be America so we can have our America flag.”
I tried to explain that America is still American, even if someone is the boss of it.
I don’t think she bought it.
Veronica says
We have our federal elections here in 2 weeks. I am not looking forward to it at all.
chilihead says
YES! A little Libertarian in the making. She makes me proud I sent the glasses. 😉
Dixiechick says
I am ashamed to say that I missed voting too..politics are not my thing. Only because, I truly do not know who to vote for…it totally confuses me…I really need to make more of an effort…to be more informed, to vote…every time.
Good for you!
Brandie says
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I hate NOT to vote, but then I feel guilty because I didn’t really educate myself TO vote! GAH!
Your articles for Parenting are great. I went through alot of the same things after I had my babies, it’s great to see someone talk about it so openly and honestly. I am sure you have helped many moms come down off the ledge.
Shalee says
When I see who is running with support for 2008, I have a slight tendency to agree with Laylee…
It’s up to us to view the canditates voting statistics, their lifestyles which either support our beliefs or don’t and their respect/lack of respect for America’s heritage. That, my friend, is not something you’re going to find on a flyer or commercial. You’ll only find it via due diligence in studying each candidate.
marian says
There has to be a better way. This really bothers me.
I truly do not have time to independently research the true facts about the record, views and character of each and every candidate in each and every election before us, from school district, to town, to county, to state, to national level. Not to mention all sides of each referendum issue.
Sometimes there is simply no way to even obtain the facts. When you can find facts like, say, voting records, even then you can’t just read a list at face value. ACtually understanding votes would involve thoroughly reading each bill voted upon to see what fine print, add-ons and implications are actually contained in the bill, despite its name. (It is SO repugnant when candidates exploit the complicated nature of legislation by saying things like, “See? My opponent voted AGAINST poor, hungry children receiving food aid! Monster!” when that bill was a lot more complicated than that or contained less savory stuff on page 9, 998.)
It’s especially amazing to me that we elect judges based on quick T.V. ads. I mean, what am I to do? Research each case that each candidate has ever heard, and assess whether I think the judged correctly in each one? Not that evidence is even available to the public.
I know that the bugger is in the biased nature of any human reporting source that might even attempt to compile information and make it accessible to the everyday citizen. But what do you do??
Nancy says
I’m famous!! Thanks for voting 🙂
Rebekah says
yes, pamphlets do not tell the story. for example, some list Ron Paul as pro gay marriage because he does not support an amendment. he is a firm believer that the constitution works as it is, and will support of deny any current issue that the government should be involved in. He’s my choice, but none of the big news networks cover him, since he’s not fighting the “terror war” the way they want and he’s anti spending. if you want, check him out
Rebekah says
wow. i can’t believe it blocks the word G ay. sorry to offend.
The Daring One says
You know, it really shouldn’t block that word. I hadn’t noticed it before and I’ve just got the filter turned up to the max. Thanks for pointing it out! I’ll see if I can change it.
Rebekah says
no worries!
grammyelin says
Yeah, that guilt is a powerful motivator! Go YOu!
KYouell says
We’re considering a move to Washington State and I’m curious about something: as a California permanent absentee voter, if I skip voting they take away my status and I have to reapply. If you skip voting in Washington will they still leave you as an absentee voter? Just trying to learn more about Washington and Oregon so we can pick which side of the Columbia River to move to. 🙂