Fun with Modifiers February 11, 2010 by Kathryn If “gentle babies” use “gentle baby wash,” what do “ferocious, violent ninja babies” use?
Rebecca says February 11, 2010 at 2:51 pm They scrub down with cheese graters, obviously. They’re NINJA BABIES.
Theresa says February 11, 2010 at 3:14 pm Ninja babies don’t need washed because they are so fast the dirt and smell can’t stick to them.
The Daring One says February 11, 2010 at 7:43 pm You guys are cracking me UP! So funny. Chuck Norris spit indeed.
papaclint says February 12, 2010 at 9:44 am I know one in particular who used chocolate cake and icing. I’m not naming any names… just putting it out there.
LooneyJen says February 12, 2010 at 11:44 am chuck norris spit! ha! my personal ninja baby prefers the dog’s water for his personal cleansing routine. aside from that, he just judo chops the air and the dirt flees in fear.
All Women Stalker says February 13, 2010 at 4:16 pm Hahaha hilarious. I like the Chuck Norris spit answer :p
Margaret says February 15, 2010 at 6:33 pm I’m with the Chuck Norris ones. Ninja babies don’t clean off dirt; dirt tries really hard to clean THEM off.
Kate (Bee In The Bonnet) says February 17, 2010 at 4:27 pm Late to the game, but I thought I’d ask in reply: if corn oil is made from corn, and coconut oil is made from coconuts, what is baby oil made from?
Aubrey says February 24, 2010 at 1:18 am Ninja babies clean in the blood of their fathers fathers enimies….. and the sweat off all the effort of this cleaning is what they make a true ‘baby oil’ from.
They use sand to wash them selves clean.
They scrub down with cheese graters, obviously. They’re NINJA BABIES.
Ninja babies don’t need washed because they are so fast the dirt and smell can’t stick to them.
Also, if Toys R Us sells toys, what does Babies R Us sell?
They use Chuck Norris’ spit. Or gasoline.
You guys are cracking me UP! So funny. Chuck Norris spit indeed.
I know one in particular who used chocolate cake and icing. I’m not naming any names… just putting it out there.
chuck norris spit! ha! my personal ninja baby prefers the dog’s water for his personal cleansing routine.
aside from that, he just judo chops the air and the dirt flees in fear.
Hahaha hilarious. I like the Chuck Norris spit answer :p
Are you making a comment about Wanda’s temperament?
I’m with the Chuck Norris ones.
Ninja babies don’t clean off dirt; dirt tries really hard to clean THEM off.
Late to the game, but I thought I’d ask in reply:
if corn oil is made from corn, and coconut oil is made from coconuts, what is baby oil made from?
Ninja babies clean in the blood of their fathers fathers enimies….. and the sweat off all the effort of this cleaning is what they make a true ‘baby oil’ from.