Hey. We’re having some technical difficulties over here. If you email me in the next couple of days at my daringyoungmom.com address, your email will be lost in a vortex of time and space where it will party with its friends, never actually making it to an inbox of any kind. Then I will appear to be a jerk for ignoring your oh-so-important communication. I will not be a jerk, but as you know, things are not always as they seem. So if you have an urgent message for me, please leave a comment here and I’ll get back to you from another email account which I choose not to publish on the internet.
Mrs Lemon says
Hey! No need to email me , I just figured you’d be reading your comments on this post and thought I’d say howdy.
The Daring One says
Hey Lemon.
mother of the wild boys says
Oh man, Mrs. Lemon and I must be on the same brain wavelength…I just wanted to say howdy too. 😉
The Daring One says
Hi back. I think it’s back up and running.
Debra says
Kathryn –
Just bopping in to say that my e-mail from earlier this morning is party-ing it up in the vortex with the other un-deliverables.
The abbreviated gist of that e-mail was:
🙂 Debra