***Update – Eve has posted some awesome pictures and description of SYTYCD Live over at Seattle Mom Blogs. If you’re like me, the pictures will make you SCREAM!!! But then, you may be normal.***
Dan and I are on a dating spree. We dine. We movie-go. We hold hands. We send the babysitters of our town to college while draining our own children’s inheritances.
It started a couple of weeks ago with an 8-hour datestravaganza to a marriage seminar in Tacoma. The event was a little creepy and commercial but looking on the bright side, Dan says, “At least we have the memory to laugh about.” When the speaker feels the need to provide his own continuous repetitive soundtrack on a grand piano, you know you should have stayed home and rented Home Alone 3 again, instead of driving for an hour to listen to a guy sing-talk about marital bliss.
Alas, we’ll always have that memory emblazoned in our minds.
Then last weekend we snuck in dinner and a movie with Dan’s brother and his wife. Dan in Real Life was a big fat step up from personal soundtrack guy. I’d highly recommend it to anyone who loves Steve Carrell and can see the romance in bad dancing and burnt pancakes. Seriously. It was one of the most entertaining movies I’ve seen in months.
But tonight. Tonight was the big show, the date to remember, the 3 hours when Dan earned King Shuggy-Puddin Husband status for life. Tonight he took me to SOYOUTHINKYOUCANDANCE — LIVE!!!!! And he clapped and cheered and remembered the routines from last summer when I made him watch it with me every week until he was hooked and then he’d ask me to tape it for him when he had to work late and analyze the choreography and either really enjoy it or pretend to in a way that makes me want to just squidge him really hard and then learn a romantical Shane Sparks hip hop routine with him.
So we thought we could park… park…park…park?

So we thought we could wait… wait… wait…wait?

So the women thought they could take over the men’s restrooms… restrooms… restrooms… restrooms?

Dan had to walk all around the building to find one that hadn’t been commandeered by the ladyfolk, but being the only male in Everett Events Center tonight, he had no trouble finding a free stall immediately. Okay, he wasn’t the ONLY male. There was one extremely happy young man sitting behind us squealing, “OhMyGosh, OhMyGosh, OhMyGosh!!!!” and one other husband who was carrying a large beer and appeared to be heavily sedated.
So we thought we could use binoculars… binoculars… binoculars… binoculars?

So I thought I could squeeze Dan’s arm harder than I ever have during child birth… child birth… child birth… child birth? While screaming like a tween… tween… tween… tween.

It was an amazing show, amazing. I cannot explain how amazing it was and I got to see it with my shmoop who knows the names of all the dancers and didn’t think I was nuts… nuts… nuts… nuts when I cried tears of joy through the first half and then was the only person on the balcony to give a standing ovation when the show was over. I really thought they deserved to be ovated. I still do. In fact. I’m standing as I type this. Squee!!!!!!
So this weekend we will explore Dan’s higher taste for the arts with a trip to Jazz Alley for the company Christmas party and a performance by the legendary Chick Corea and a chance to wear my high-heeled black leather boots and some red lipstick without raising questions about my career choices or hours of employment.
DAN!! I enjoy dating my husband!
SO JEALOUS. That is my favorite show on TV!
I so need a date with my husband. I’d even take something as simple as coffee.
Sounds wonderful! Glad you enjoyed it.
Dates with hot husbands rock. Me and Chris are still dating. We celebrate every -i-versary, every month. The date-i-versary (our first date). The love-i-versary (8 days later when he told me he loved me). The engage-i-versary (12 days after THAT when he engaged me).
Yes he is spoiling me rotten. I love every minute of it and spoil him back.
hi kathryn,
Chick Corea?!!? now I know hans is jealous. I STILL enjoy the daily laughs I get from your blog after following you for over a year now. I just started blogging, and I don’t think I’ll ever have that natural talent you have for making people smile and laugh. Sounds like you had a fun date…good for you. By the way, I hope you got our christmas card- I hope I had the right address 🙂 Cheers to you and yours
You lucky girl!
We are planning on seeing Dan in Real Life on Tuesday (our anniversary). I’m glad it’s a good choice!
Oh, the cuteness! The cuteness!
The Bunny and I are big daters. Of other people. HA!! Seriously, we love going out. I have the best boyfriend-hubby ever.
Your hair looks cute.
Although I’ve never seen the show, I totally get the excitement of being with the man of your dreams, who also happens to be your husband. 🙂
Ahhh, dating – my favorite hobby in life! (Yay for both of you!)
There is nothing better than being married to your best friend and the love of your life – may the dating never stop!
Dan, I’m jealous!
Oh my word-I am soooo jealous right now! I love that show, and like you, got my hubby hooked! I’m not sure I could control myself if I saw them live. Did you pick up any new moves? 🙂
I would COMPLETELY freak out if I got to go see that! It’s my FAVORITE show!
And it’s date night tomorrow night, assuming that the snow calms down and the highway doesn’t get closed…
Hey, just wanted to comment on that cute picture of you and the mister! You all look goood! As for me, I don’t dance. Sadly.
Sounds like you’re having fun!
My husband said if he were not LDS then he would have been one of the heavily sedated husbands, drinking a beer, who was there in support of his wife!!!
Looks like you guys had a blast! What a great honey to take out on the town.
This post made me so happy. It gives me hope that there can be romance in my future.
Yeah, definitely jealous. You’d think with all the dancers from Utah and the viewers in Utah and the winner of the stinkin’ contest being from Utah that they’d maybe BRING THE SHOW TO UTAH. But no. *Sigh* Glad you had fun, though. Go, Dan!
Oh, that it so cute! Hooray for date night (mine is tomorrow!)
I witnessed the scarcity of men at the Hannah Montana concert in October. Had I been a single dad or a male over the age of twelve I’d have moved mountains to get a ticket to that gig — what I saw were definitely not slim pickings.