They sleep in their clothes most nights. Wear-Pajamas-To-Bed-Like-Normal-People-Gate 2014 did not end in my favor. I decided to cave and save my fight for fights worth the fight, knowahmsayin? I still put my foot down hard in the face of their desire to wear the slept-in clothes the following day. If you sleep in them, they become pajamas until they go through a washer reset.
This morning, Magoo woke up in his basketball clothes with dark face-punch-looking circles around his eyes. He’d been up late reading like a disobedient literate. He looked awful and when he’s tired, which is most morning, re: he is my son, he oozes around the house wrapped in a blanket and running into things.
Suddenly his eyes brightened, “Oh! It’s pajama crazy hair day at school. I almost forgot.”
He shed his fluffy blanket and ran upstairs to change out of his slept-in clothes in favor of un-slept-in pajamas. I spent several minutes combing gel into his hair so it would stand up all over.
Oh how proud he was of this look.
The hair put us behind schedule so I drove him to the bus stop. As we were waiting, Wanda suddenly opened her sleepy eyes and gasped, “Oh mom! Did you see Magoo today? He looks sooooo HANDSOME!”
Yep. He does. Tall hair is good hair, says the eighties.
“He’d been up late reading like a disobedient literate.” – This pretty much describes my sleeping habits.