When I was pregnant with Laylee, I read What to Expect When You’re Expecting religiously. Every week, every few days, I would read about the baby, how big she had grown, whether she had toe-nails yet, how much she was starting to resemble a humanoid.
With this pregnancy I’ve had so many other things on my mind, sickness to deal with, a home to repair, and 2 other kids to chase. I feel like I have a general picture in my mind of how a baby develops and I don’t necessarily need to constantly check the toenail directory to feel connected to my role as a mother. This baby is also a monster-muffin ninja-face, moving around with ferocious speed and force inside me so it’s hard not to be aware of her presence. She’s been making herself known for months.
But yesterday I saw WTEWYE sitting on my bookshelf and I picked it up out of curiosity. How big IS she that she can move in a way that I can see it from the outside and feel it from everywhere inside? The book said that at the 6-month mark she’s about a foot long. All I could think was, “A foot-long? My baby’s a foot-long?” Now every time I think about her wiggling and punching and using her nunchucks in there, I picture her as a subway sandwich with arms and legs sticking out between the lettuce and meat. And I laugh out loud when I’m all alone in my house. There’s a living, swimming foot-long curved into a C-shape and growing inside of me.
It’s a fun visual, much more humorous than a little human baby.
Laylee on the other hand is more realistic about things. When asked on her Father’s Day survey about Dan, “What does your father run like?” she answered, “My dad runs like a human.” It’s all too true. He is very homosapien-like in his athletic abilities.
Then at dinner, Dan observed a problem with our dining room light, he investigated the problem and solved it. I pointed out that what he did was very scientific and narrated the kids through the steps of his methodology. They looked skeptical. “Yes he is a scientist. He could totally be on Sid the Science Kid,” I remarked.
Laylee shook her head. “No he couldn’t! He doesn’t look like playdough.”
Oh that’s right. We’d already established that your dad looks and runs like a HUMAN. Sorry for the memory lapse.
It is just too true how we tend to slack off on those sorts of information gathering mini-hunts when we have two toddlers/children rolling around and kicking outside of us already. Glad to know I’m not alone in that 🙂 At least now I know the general size of my own rough and tumble little sub at 6 1/2 months.
I’m so glad you married a man, who is so much human that even kids recognize it. That Dan has a lot going for him. I can hardly wait for your little “foot long” to come out and join the human race as well.
My kid love Sid! But no, we humans aren’t made for that type of show.
Aww Laylee is a sweetheart. And I love the subway baby imagery. 😀
That foot-long sub is a cute analogy! I’m 13 weeks, and my baby is as big as a peach this week. My 18-month-old enjoys looking at the baby’s pictures in my ‘Pregnancy Week-by-Week’ book with me- we celebrate the baby’s ‘birthday’ each week when I get one week farther along by looking in the book. 🙂
Wow, you’re 6 months already? Time sure flies when you’re not the one pregnant! I remember reading the very same book with my first.
Congrats on making a foot! Of course, now I have a strange yearning for hotdos 😉 And everything at our house is about ‘experts,’ thanx to Sid! Happy week!
A sub sandwich… ROFL!!!
I know what you mean about losing track. With my second I was totally like, “What week am I at? I don’t know…”
Hee hee. Sub baby.