My sister Becky is about to pop. She’s at the taking-crazy-potions-to-induce-exodus point of her pregnancy and I like to do things to help keep her occupied, like play Doctor Mario online with my wii. I’m selfless like that. And also rad.
Today Laylee was watching us play and talking to Aunt Becky on the speakerphone. Suddenly she got very serious and whispered in my ear, “Can persons be ‘rad’?”
I told her that yes, people could be rad. She got so excited and ran off to grab a piece of paper. “You’re RAD Aunt Becky!” she cheered, “I will give you 2 points and a rock because you also rock.”
She then drew a picture of a rock and 2 hash marks on her pad of paper. Throughout our game she kept a tally with a running commentary about who was rad, who was more rad, who rocked and who rolled. If you rolled, you got a picture of a bottle rolling around.
I mostly was mostly the most rad and rocked the most. According to the tally, I’m far more rad than my little sister. I’ve had more years to cultivate that certain quality.
At one point we played a game where we both sucked it up big time. Disappointed, Laylee shook her head, “You guys did NOT play with radness. You are both still rad though, even though.”
Well thank goodness.
While Laylee was tallying radnesses, Magoo was practicing his potty skeelz. From the potty room, I heard him yell, “Woah! That was a weely big one! It’s like a big T-rex or somesing.” I wonder how many radness points a log that big would get. I mean, a big T-Rex? That’s pretty impressive.