In our family, we prefer to eat our food “out of the trash.”
Laylee – Can I please eat a cheese stick out of the trash? (Okay, maybe I inserted the please in there erroneously, but it’s possible she did actually say it.)
Me – NO! Yuck! (Maybe our “three second rule” is stretching to the point where I see Magoo eating something from the floor and am relieved to see it’s “just a cheerio” who-knows-how-old and I let him keep chowing away, but we do have SOME standards)
Laylee (tearing up) – Please can I have it out of the trash?
Me – No, but (handing her a string cheese) you can have a cheese stick out of the fridge.
Laylee – Please mommy please (handing it back and pulling at the wrapper). Can you take it out of the trash?
Me – Ahhhhh…….”out of the trash” = sans wrapper. Got it!