So welcome to the world of the BLOG. Sounds scary, eh? Really itβs not. Take off your shoes and make yourselves comfortable. Pajamas are welcome here. And chocolate.
Topics covered on this site include but are not limited to:
Garage Sales, Solid Food, X-rays, Snow White, Mullets, Karate, Self-preservation, Worm Sweat, Beef and Tweens, Sweetness, Weaners, Piglet, NASA, Deet, Rejection, Insects, Illiterate Cows, Toothbrushes, Heartache, Signs, The Ark, Orphans, Movie Reviews, Urban Legends, Songs, Hertz, Deoderant, Pigs Feet, Holes, Reversion, Rabid Demonic Cows, and Sonnets.
Take a moment to look around. Then go start your own. You know you want to. These girls will show you how.

you absolutely rock!
just saw your spot on the Today show (err am still watching it actually). What a great mom you really GET it. From someone who doesnt have kids. Probably will never have kids. But understands the POWER of an effective, caring, detailed and flexible leader.
this blog is great and is the reason why the platform is there and you seem to understand that it is at its root a way to communicate in a way we have never been able to before. keep going! I also have to chuckle at all your categories since I can relate to: mullets, pigs feet and rabid demonic cows (in no particulat order).
Nice range of topics. But really, couldn’t you get some originality in your writings? Worm sweat and Rabid Demonic Cows are SOOOOO passe….
Dude, were so adorable on Today as Tech Mom. And by “adorable,” I mean wicked cool!
Oh, I hope I didn’t miss it over here on the left coast! I’m running off to check now. I would also like the record to reflect that I knew you before you became famous!
Mary, mom to about a gazillion
So I’m encouraging Mat’s wife to pick up a keyboard and blog about motherhood, and life with a news anchor.
Yay for you! And yay for you to linking to us! And yay to rabid demonic cows! (This is why we all love you, DYM….)
It’s not on in CA yet but I am excited!
Great site! Sounds like the Today show was very cool!
Mama to 4 and hopefully more!
squee! I just watched you- how fun! What cute little kiddies you have! You are the “good mom” you let your kids use the car-cart. I HATE that thing and look for excuses NOT to let my kids use it!
Interesting segment all together. The survey result that stated that 67% of mom’s think their mom’s had it harder. Overall, I think I disagree with that. I think maybe motherhood is emotionally harder than it was 20 years ago- mother’s today are pulled in so many directions with so many expectations. BUT, on the physically hard scale I think mother’s of the past had it harder. Can you say Automatic Washing Machine? Can you imagin hauling all your kids to the laundry-mat each week?! I bet a trip to the grocery store with the kids in the summer BEFORE cars had AC, was a lot more tedious than it is today.
Anyway, just my 2 cents. Totally neat that you got to be a part of this whole experience. Now, when will you dish on your thoughts?
Just remember, I was a fan before fame came knockin’ at your door!
Such a clever idea putting out a welcome mat. You is brilliant.
Woohoo! Great spot on the TV! (And how cool that I could tell Fuul that I ‘know’ you — famous by blog-reading!? LOL)
Wish I could get things so organized as you have it! π
DYM! Oh! Oh! Ooo! That Today Show, with Matt Lowre and DYM and those two so Cute Kids was soooooo fun to watch today! Good job! And yes, you looked great and so did the kids! Today was certainly a Daring Adventure day for DYM! And down here we all do so love to hear about what’s up with you all, always, so thank you for sharing your blog, your talent, your humor, and your experiences!
Hey, haven’t had a chance to watch on Today yet… it’s TiVo’d though so I’m looking forward to it! Thanks for the great link to Blogging Basics 101… so helpful to us new bloggers! Also, thank you for inspiring me to blog. You were the first mommy blog I ever read and have helped me through lots of tough mommy days! Thank you! Thank you!
Hey Kathryn, bang up job on the Today show… congrats!
Blogging rocks…and it looks SO good on you!
I was WAY a first few months blogging fan, and you rock on TV. Great job.
You were awesome on Today! You looked great, the kiddos looked great! Congrats!
I am jealous of the grocery cart car they got to ride in. When Magoo said, “cookies!” that was adorable.
Yours is the first blog I started reading when I discovered the blogging world and the reason I started one myself. You rock, DYM!
You were awesome on the Today show, you techno-wizard mom of the future! Not only did I know you before your blog made you famous, I knew you long before blogs were invented. Do you remember that movie you and your youthful friends made with the very realistic looking dismembered body? I knew then your true talents with story-telling and a twisted sense of humor. Of course, I was also on the Today show, but I was out behind the fence talking to Al, holding a sign saying “Hi Katie, I’m from Katy, Texas!” Katie Couric blew me off, going to talk to a girl named Katie who was celebrating her ninth birthday. But, of course, if you were there, Katie C. would have talked to Katie Daring, because you are a STAR!
Hi — I’m joining the throngs to say I saw you on TV this morning. Way to go!!
Saw you this morning. LOVED it. You are so technologically advanced that I must now bend down on one knee to wave a palm frons in your direction.
Ok, done. π
Great segment. You and your kiddos are
Wish I had the cool bar thing in my kitchen to blog at. I only have a coffee table. ;(
Love, Michelle
Ok- just watched it again and perhaps that was Laylee saying “Cookies?”
Oh yeah! oh yeah! uh huh uh huhhhhh.
How cool are you? No, don’t answer that. We both know the answer
That was super awesome!! You are great, and your kiddos are so cute. Way to go.
Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I missed you on the Today show this morning. But I did go to, and the clip is there! Yippeee!!! Be sure to click on the video “Has Motherhood Changed?” You were great and the kids were adorable. π
I’m so sad I couldn’t watch this morning π I tried to watch the video clips at the today show website, but I don’t think they put you in…so sad π If they did, I’d like to know where…the one segment I thought you’d be in was all Bernie Goldberg…:(
You did awesome. For any who didn’t get to see it or want to see it again you can find it here:
saw you on tv! that was so neat.
Great job! This links directly to the video; DYM comes in a little over 2 minutes into the segment:,3808fb9a-ffdd-4b36-81c3-e1130adbc532,82d7495c-97a1-4f23-8c27-c3c9721be5fb,8f8209df-97bc-4c79-b335-3c24cc9c72c8,3ef77887-e6a8-4d6a-b839-d9634f240487,fe318e2b-e108-4247-8b50-24711f145ffc,3156b900-ff30-45ce-ac79-cdda6424f860,29bdaffc-b977-4890-ba7a-a0fbee8b6191
I know, the address is big and messy, but it’s The Place To Go.
Oops, from there, under Today Show Videos, click on “Today health and living.” Then click on Has Motherhood Changed? You’ll be forced to watch a commercial before the segment.
(mom2chris, your link includes a comma at the end, so it doesn’t work.)
Ha! Nantie Meg SO has it goin’ on. We posted at the same time, and her link is so much more efficient. And yes, I’ll quit posting now.
Tech Mom… how cool is THAT!
i am SO SAD i missed you… i turned it on at 8:13a.m.! what are the chances. ugh! i’m sure you were beautifabulous though.
and your and is so convincing i think i might go start one of these blog things… π
Congrats DYM and chillens! The Today show segment was cool, especially that you got to be the techi mom! If I made the Today show, I would be the one getting hit by the football player… I think you need to blog to the world that this was not your 1st tv experience, and that you were destined to be a star from a much earlier age :). Congrats again, I am proud to have once been a roomie.
Oh yeah, we totally knew her before she hit the big time.
Heck, we practically funded the purchase of her cool PDA… =)
Congratulations DYM and extended family! I’m sure your brother is very proud!
I’m sure the other people are really nice and all, but DYM gave me her autograph, so I uploaded my own version of the video, it’s all DYM: YouTube + DYM= Rock!
Ok, well that was great:
My wife convinced me that I should start a Blog. Just because I wrote for the school newpaper doesn’t make me a writer. But we’re expecting our first so I gave into her wishes and started
Right now I could use anyones advice on baby showers, what to do, how to do it, what is proper, what isn’t proper and so on…
Sorry if this isn’t the right place or time to ask, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Thanks to all of you for your comments, and especially to Daringyoungmom for her insperation and fastastic writing, I’ve learned a lot.