Wanda has a best friend. They share a lot in common. They both love Captain America. They love to play together. They’re both amazing artists and pass notes back and forth during church. I have taught both of their classes at church, although not at the same time. They aren’t exactly the same age.
They both love gum.
According to Wanda, if they were both robots, this is what they’d look like.
Although Wanda’s best friend’s parents pronounce her name “Rachel,” we’re pretty sure it’s pronounced, “Rangel.” At least, that’s how Wanda says it. I’ve heard it both ways.
If Wanda had to choose between Rangel and ice cream, she’d choose Rangel. When Wanda had to choose one friend to have over for her birthday, she chose Rangel. If Wanda had a choice between me and Rangel, well… we will never give her that choice.
You’ve got to love a 16-year-old who will give up her Sunday night to spend it celebrating the birthday of her biggest littlest fan. We love you, RANGEL!