Currently I am reading a PZ4 selection for my book club. I’ve never been much of a PZ4, never quite made it to a jousting tournament or medieval feast and I cut my hair every few years. However, I can stand some good fantasy every now and again. The book we’re currently reading is The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart.
When I’m reading it, I want to keep reading to find out what will happen next, but when I’m not currently reading I have trouble convincing myself that I care about what happens to Vortigern, Morginstern and Häagen-Dazs of the House of Googinesh. But for the love of my good friend, I will press on.
That said, when I’m finished with this, I need more. I feel the need, the need to read.
Here are a few suggestions from me for summer reading:
These is My Words by Nancy Turner — page-turning frontier adventure and romance
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger — excellent prose, amazingly rich characters, faith promoting
Moonraker’s Bride by Madeleine Brent — fun fluff, a light, romantic, action/adventure
A while back I asked for your favorite books of all time. Now I just want one or two from each of you that will keep me interested and coming back for more between running through the sprinkler, pushing kids on the swings and deciding how long the laundry can really wait before we’ll all need to go out and buy new clothes.
I’m open to pretty much any genre but hardcore romance. Hit me with your best shots. What’s worth reading?