Although it was toasty warm on our East Coast beach vacation, Dan remained chill as usual. Who keeps a cool head in your relationship?
Family Time
Breakup Weight Gain
Wanda’s winding down on nursing, trying to break up with me gently. I’m a bit sad, a bit excited about getting my body back and a bit scared about what will happen to that body when it’s back under my total control.
Can You Still Feel it?
Over at Parenting today I was talking about how love changes and how you need to focus harder on just enjoying your kids the older they get. It was a pre-Mother’s-Day musing that I hope I keep with me as I continue raising my kids. [read more at]
Also, one of the readers at parenting posted a link to a post she’d written in a similar vein that I really connected with. [read that post here.]
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Do Your Kids Ever Walk Around the House Like Zombies in Their Sleep?
[read more at]
Starting Solids… Again
Why is it that I have total solid food amnesia?
“The one thing so far that’s really thrown me for a loop is starting the little bub-jub on solid foods. I cannot for the life of me remember what I’m supposed to do.”
Baby’s Getting Tattled On
How old is old enough to be tattled on? We found out last week. [Read more at]
Socks and Simplicity
“I found that I spent the first several months of her life carefully matching the socks after each washing, holding them up to the light, analyzing color, weave, texture, cuff, stretchiness, length and width. I was playing laundry Cupid, finding each little socky its one true and perfect sole-mate. The saying is true in our house. There is only one perfect match for everyone. ”
When I Grow Up
Magoo told me the other day that he wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up. Then he self-corrected and told me that no, he just wants to be a “regular dad” who stays home. He wants to be a “regular dad” the same way I’m a “regular mom.”
He also said he doesn’t want to be a grandpa either because grandpas have to move REALLY far away from home, so far that they have to drive all day and all night to get home. And also they die sometimes and he doesn’t want to die ever.
I guess Laylee’s not the only one thinking about grandparental death. I’m not afraid of it. My parents and Dan’s parents are not allowed to die. I am also swearing off death. I still need plenty of time to decide what I want to be when I grow up.
I’m thinking about becoming a professional student. Maybe I’ll be a high school or college teacher. I’ll definitely be writing for a living. Perhaps I’ll get a black belt in karate. What do you want to be when you grow up?
The Good
“Yes, I think there’s a lot to do to make quality education available and relevant to all children. Yes, I’m still trying to figure out what I can do to help. Today I’d like to focus on what’s going right. Have you or one of your children brushed shoulders with an inspiring educator?”