The random winners of the Roadtrip Giveaway are April C. and Seabird. Congratulations and thanks to everyone for all the great tips!
If for any reason they are unable to fulfill their duties as plastic tube winners, we’ll draw more names at random.
Personal Blog of Author Kathryn Thompson
by Kathryn
The random winners of the Roadtrip Giveaway are April C. and Seabird. Congratulations and thanks to everyone for all the great tips!
If for any reason they are unable to fulfill their duties as plastic tube winners, we’ll draw more names at random.
by Kathryn
Let’s talk about you for a minute. (Be sure to answer the questions at the end of the post!)
A while back I asked you all to fill out a survey for me. The results are in and they’re fascinating.
74% of Daring Young Mom readers are between the ages of 21 and 34. No one over 75 or under 18 admitted to reading this blog.
I’m surprised that only 3% of the readers surveyed were male. I’ve always been very popular with the men folk. Maybe they couldn’t handle my year-long period of lactational discourse shortly following Magoo’s birth.
Although I live near Seattle, I’m actually located in a very small town. A quarter of you also live in small towns or out in the country but more than half make your homes in the suburbs. For some reason, my blog does not appear to be massively appealing to the urban crowd.
Most of my readers are middle class but those few of you making over $500,000 annually, please email me. I’ve got some great ideas for how you could spread around the love.
Very few of you have more than 6 kids yet so I guess most of us are still getting started. We’d better get busy.
96% of my readers have had at least some college education. Rock on educated ladies! … and you few gentlemen.
Your political views are all over the place with the biggest portion of you (45%) listed as republicans.
Half of you have a valid passport. The rest of you should get on that if you want to visit my motherland any time soon. I’m working on getting one for Magoo tonight actually.
For the most part, you’re churchgoers, or at least you claim to be for internet research purposes – with the largest group, roughly a third of you, being Mormon.
Your occupations are so varied I think I could staff an entire mini-civilization with your expertise. I’ll let you know when there are job openings for the Daring New World.
You need to send more email, preferably to me.
More of you watch Saturday Night Live than any news show, more American Idol than The Office and if so many of you watch What Not To Wear, why have none of you nominated me to be on the show? I’d gladly be humiliated for an hour for the chance to get a whole new wardrobe.
You use the PCs, although I suspect that many of you like me dream of switching to the Mac.
You started reading blogs right around the same time I started this one.
You like your internet speed high and 62% of you have your own blog.
More than half of you use Blogger.
30% of you only read one blog per day. Awww… geee…. Thanks. Oh. You didn’t mean mine? I still like you.
You read blogs for humor, personality and perspective but you like mine anyway.
60% of you never use RSS to read blogs. It really makes life much easier, ya’ll. You can subscribe to all your favorite blogs on Bloglines and it keeps track of new posts for you.
Only half of you floss regularly. This makes me like you more. I won’t say why.
You talk on the cellular phones.
Tsk. Tsk. Only 18% of you believe in UFOs. I sure hope you all still believe in Santa.
There were a few questions not covered in the survey or in other surveys I’ve conducted. There are things I just need to know.
For today please answer one or more of the following 3 questions:
What percent milk do you drink?
How many of your kids are currently named Dirk?
Do you believe in dust mites?
by Kathryn
Erin and I have booked our flights and rooms for BlogHer. Some other fun people will likely be joining us. I’m already taking notes on what I want to learn and picking out shoes. Are you going? Would you like to go? The women at Mommybloggers are generously paying for someone’s conference pass and entry is easy this year. The deadline is Friday May 18th so go check it out if you’d like to share a Diet Sprite poolside with me this July in Chicago.
Some kind and obviously blind people have nominated me for a couple of Blogger’s Choice Awards. I’m only about 3 billion votes behind the other nominees so if you’d like to help soften my defeat, vote away. If I get at least 3 total votes, I will likely write a quality blog post sometime this month in your honor.
by Kathryn
So normally I’m the one who does all the blogging in the family. Not only do I blog whenever I feel like it on this site but I also blog once a week at Dan skips off to work his 40-60 hours at MegaCorp and I’m left to do all the blogging on my own.
This week in honor of Mother’s Day the boys are trying their hand at MommyBlogging so we can all have a much deserved break. Please head over and read Dan’s fabulous post and show him the love… in a platonic, supportive-geeky-internet-friend-of-his-wife sort of way.
by Kathryn
So, thanks ever so much for coming and reading and putting up with all the Tom Foolery that goes on here. It would help me out a ton if you’d be willing to take a minute or twelve and fill out a reader survey. It helps me and my advertisers know a little bit about who’s reading so I can write about all the topics you care about, fish, landscaping and of course stuffed duckies.
When it asks you for my blog genre, I’ve listed it as a “Parenthood” blog. Even if you can just do part of the survey, that helps. Just do as much as you can.
by Kathryn
Sometimes they get hungry together and then you’d better watch out. This weekend I met up with some bloggy friends new and old for a lunch at Ivars in downtown Seattle.
I like Ivars because you can smell fish guts both outside and inside the restaurant, only they smell more appetizing inside and if you stand outside long enough seagulls will poop on you. They also have great food and this weekend they were thoughtful enough to give us over an hour to chat from the time we ordered our food until it arrived….
by Kathryn
So welcome to the world of the BLOG. Sounds scary, eh? Really it’s not. Take off your shoes and make yourselves comfortable. Pajamas are welcome here. And chocolate.
Topics covered on this site include but are not limited to:
Garage Sales, Solid Food, X-rays, Snow White, Mullets, Karate, Self-preservation, Worm Sweat, Beef and Tweens, Sweetness, Weaners, Piglet, NASA, Deet, Rejection, Insects, Illiterate Cows, Toothbrushes, Heartache, Signs, The Ark, Orphans, Movie Reviews, Urban Legends, Songs, Hertz, Deoderant, Pigs Feet, Holes, Reversion, Rabid Demonic Cows, and Sonnets.
Take a moment to look around. Then go start your own. You know you want to. These girls will show you how.
by Kathryn
It started a few weeks ago. Laylee stood transfixed as I read Chilihead’s blog. “Who is THAT?”
“That’s Chilihead.”
“He he he. She has a CRA-ZY nose!”
“I like her”
“Me too.”
Laylee can spot Chili’s site from across the room and she’ll run over to watch me read. The other night as I was putting her to bed, she said, “If you go on the computer and see a lady with a crazy nose, that’s named Chilihead!” And she laughed and laughed.
I told Chili about Laylee’s obsession and she made it her mission in life to find Laylee a schnoz. So I told Laylee that a special package from Chilihead was coming in the mail any day….
by Kathryn
My friend Millie is planning a blogger’s lunch in Seattle on April 28th. I sure plan on attending. If you live in or around Seattle and you’d like to meet up for lunch, let me know. Wouldn’t it be fun to meet in person?
by Kathryn
I get over 1000 spam comments every single day. …