Yesterday, as I drove home from Costco, I caught Wanda making faces in the rearview mirror, a grimace followed by a grin followed by a groan of frustration.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Ugh. I wish my smile was beautiful.”
This surprised me. I know of no more beautiful smile than the one stuck to the face of Wanda McSweetz.
“What do you mean? You have an amazing smile.”
“Well, I know, but it’s not beautiful, not as beautiful as… oh never mind.”
Oh man. I hate comparison and to think my 6-year-old was comparing her gorgeous toothless smile with some princess or actress or Citizen of Equestria did not sit well with me.
“It’s not as beautiful as who?”
“Ugh. Never mind.”
Introducing exhibit 569.C to the courts.
“Wanda. I really want to know. Whose smile do you think is so beautiful?”
“It’s just Dad, okay?”
“Yeah. In that one picture that shows up on your phone when he calls, the one with Magoo by the train. It just looks A-MAZ-ING! I wish my smile was that beautiful.”
This is it, ladies. The smile that makes grown women swoon and kindergarteners stay up at night weeping into their pillows over their own inadequacy.
He’s the most beautiful guy I know and I’m sorry to tell you – he’s taken.
Oh that is the sweetest thing!