I blow my nose.
Laylee: Did you do a REALLY BIG blow?
Me: Yep.
Laylee: Did you not do a median blow?
Me: Nope, that was definitely not a medium blow.
I bounce a large green ball on my head. This is cheap and easy entertainment from a mom who doesn’t want to move. Laylee has been playing independently and sweetly all day so I thought I’d give her a thrill. I hold the giant ball on my head like a big hat.
Laylee (with glee): You have a big fat man head!
Me: Yep.
But even funnier than THAT, if you can imagine such a thing, was a little blogging experience I had today. Blogging world and real world get muddled when I am unable to get out of my PJs. I switched from bathrobe to PJs and Laylee asked if I was “normal” now. I told Laylee that PJs means I’m half-way normal. Normal will be when I wear actual CLOTHES. She thinks flannel pants with strawberries on them ARE clothes.
One thing about Laylee – she makes me realize how over-rated business lunches were. I much prefer our conversations:
Laylee (smashing her bowl of Mac against mine with amazing force): Cheers!
Me: Cheers.
Laylee: Let’s do cheers with our cups.
Both: Cheers!
We eat a few bites.
Laylee: Did Sukee take it off again? (I think it’s a nursery rhyme we’ve been reading about putting a kettle on, etc. She often uses stories we’ve been reading as topics of conversation. Example — “O is veee-ry useful.” Hmmm. “If your name is Mixie Mox.”)
Me: Yep, she sure did.
Laylee: Is Bugs Bunny called a rabbit?
Me: Yes. Do you wanna say the prayer?
Laylee: No.
Me: Please.
Laylee: Okay. Dear Henenly Father. We Grateful. Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Me: Amen
We eat some more.
Laylee: Mommy, can you please wipe the mess off your face with a washcloth?
Laylee: Let’s watch the Wiggles.
Me: Why don’t we have a story marathon?
Laylee: I already got a bunch of 5 stories!
Me: Okay.
Off to story time.
Oh, so funny blogging thing. Today Blackbird posted a list of toys from the FAO catalog that she puts on her “wish list,” things she will probably never buy. It’s pretty funny. So I commented that:
“This is funny. My fake wish list also includes items my community association would have a coronary about, like the 8-foot inflatable front lawn snow globe I recently saw at Costco. It has actual fake snow that falls and then gets blown back up like popcorn around 3 giant bigger-than-your-mom snowmen. It is probably the tackiest thing ever (I’m not the best judge) but oh how I want it.”
She responded with this and I laughed for 10 minutes. I’m really not getting any better.
You MUST buy this book
as it so reminds me of your conversations with Little C!
If the link doesn’t work —
Hey Willie, See the Pyramids?
by Maira Kalman
my all-time favorite children’s book.
That was one of the greatest shocks of motherhood for me…no such thing as sick day. There was no phone # to call to say “I’m not coming in this week so suck it up.” I just found it to be a real feat when my daughter was old
enough to understand “leave the blanket on mom ALONE and enjoy a full day of TV.”
I’m really sorry you’re feeling so terrible. I feel your pain! Here’s to good health!!
I can’t believe you’re talking about the humongous snowglobe. I saw that exact same one at
Wal-merto last week. And though I knew it was insane, from the deepest corner of my overzealous pre-school teacher’s heart, I had to check the price in case of a moment of temporary insanity. $127 Ah, back to reality.
If you were to come to Woods Cross, say around Christmastime, I think you would see that snowglobe in my neighborhood. As it is, we currently have about 2 or 3 10 foot inflatable spiders and a couple of infaltable pumpkins of around the same size.