I’d been planning all my life for the first day of school, or at least all month. I often say, “DOWN WITH PERFECTIONISM!” But then there’s this small part of me that really really wants to just be perfect. Because that would make life easier and then I wouldn’t have to be obsessed with perfection anymore because I would have already achieved it. It’s like when you can’t stop playing Lego Star Wars on the Wii until you beat the game and then you never think about it again. That’s how I see my life being when I achieve perfection, total Zen.
We had planned the heck out of the first day of school, family meetings, calendar items, to-do lists, backpacks packed and clothes laid out two days early.
But when the day actually came, we ended up forgetting things, losing lunch boxes, running over little red wagons with the van, showing up late to kindergarten assessments because we were so busy trying to do all the morning routines perfectly, praying that the kindergarten teachers were not assessing personal hygiene because we forgot to brush our new kindie’s hair.
When the day ended, I popped on Facebook and saw all my friends post pictures of their kids on the first day. And they weren’t just pictures. They were pictures with props.
Framed art that said what grade they were starting.
Actual, flippin’ ART. In frames. That said what grade they were starting.
Why is this a thing? Why?
Anyway. I took a picture of the wagon I ran over. So that’s something. And I learned a new fake swear, thanks to our friends at Dragon Tales. So that’s something else.
When I signed out of the school, Wanda discovered this book in a basket in the office.
She asked me to read it. I really really needed to find out what a knuckerhole was so I sat down and read it to her.
It turns out that a knuckerhole is a magical tube you can jump though that basically takes you to nowheresville where you sit and think about how you should have done a better job cleaning your bedroom until a dragon saves you and takes you to the fireworks show.
I prefer to think of it as an awesome new slang term for pretty much whatever.
Ex. Why did Zack take such a cheap shot and punch Wheezy in the knuckerhole?
Shut your knuckerhole!
Why in the knuckerhole did someone put the red wagon behind my car wheel?
Stop being such a knuckerhole and load your lunch dishes in the dishwasher.
So, we decided to send that day down the knuckerhole and started over. And the school year is actually off to a pretty decent start at this point. I still haven’t taken first day of school pictures for all three kids because I’m not done crocheting doilies that say which grades each of them are starting. But I am at peace with that.
Stealing, um, borrowing this word and thank you for being human.
Being a human is one of my best talents.
This is great. Our first day last week did not go as smoothly as I would have liked either, we forgot our neatly packed lunches and had to run to the gas station for sandwiches and passable fruit tucked into plastic sacks.
I love how honest you are… it does make looking at all of those ‘perfect’ FB images a little more bearable.
Oh… and yes Knuckerhole definitely needs to become part of our vocabulary!
Yes! I’m always like “Why are they printing custom chalkboard prints to frame and take pictures with!? Don’t they know I don’t have the time for that, let alone the budget?” but then, as the time approaches – I get sucked in and think that I should probably do just something simple. And then simple gets less-simple. And it’s either a smashing success or a complete failure. Flip a coin.
Thanks for sharing your life adventures. I think you’re awesome.
Frames? They are framing them? Yikes, I’m lucky to scribble it out with a Sharpie on the back of the picture my daughter brought home from Nursery on Sunday while they shovel in their cold cereal every year on the first day.
Also, I’m sad for your red wagon. We have a gate on our driveway that decided to bounce back from the fence one morning after I opened it, and I backed into it. It scrunched up in a rainbow shape and wouldn’t close anymore, allowing our dog to escape and frollic the neighborhood to her heart’s content until we could fix it.
Great post!