I do not have the mental or physical energy, nor do I smell good enough to write anything tonight. My one true deodorant for the past 4 years suddenly stopped working a few days ago. The first day I couldn’t remember if I’d worn any or not. The second day I was in denial. Today my testimony of Dove clearance-priced smells-slightly-better-than-B.O-flavored moisturizing deodorant is shaky at best.
I’m ready to try something new. Astound me with your fabulousness. Tell me what you use to stop the stink in its tracks. I will leave my personal hygiene up to a vote by people who live on the internet. The voting starts now. What should I be wearing folks?
This weekend I plan to drive down with your donations and I’ll have stories and updates when I get back… after I sleep some… and smell better than this.
Degree. It works really well in Baby Powder scent.
Secret Platnium is my newest deodorant of choice. I was using Degree, but it stopped working for me. Before that it was lady Mitchium (but you can’t find the clear solid any more – and the gel is too goopy).
Why oh why do our arm pits reject deodorants?! I hate the ‘OMG I’m stinky!’ moment.
Secret Clinical is Da Bomb!!
I tell brides to have it on their wedding day.
Really? Because I still love Dove. But then, I’m sort of an inoffensive sort when it comes to the whole stinky-armpit thing.
I’m a Secret girl as well.
Secret Platinum Soft Solid. By Far the best in my experience.
Certian Dry, it is well worth the $5 and I only need to apply it every 3 days. Loralee turned me on to it and I’m hooked!
Well I’m no help because Dove has been working for me for 9 years now.
Hmm…I bounce between Dove and Degree, depending on what’s the most on-sale, but Degree seems to work best. The biggest downside, though, is that the “no white streaks” is blatantly false. π
If you’re at all into natural stuff (or if you’re wondering whether an “all-natural” deodorant could actually work), try Tom’s of Maine in Calendula.
Mitchum, no question. With Degree being a distant second.
I’ve used Degree for a long time (the fresh shower scent) and have no problems (well, that anyone’s told me about).
I love the scent of Secret Vanilla Chai. It smells good enough to eat!
SURE–only SURE works for me.
I find that any deodorant I’m using stops working after a while unless I rotate them. I keep my favorite 3 (Degree ultra clear, Dove fresh scent & Secret) in the top bathroom drawer and just use the one at the front of my little basket each morning and then rotate it to the back. Thus I have ended the stench – and it has worked for years.
After I had children it seems like my sweat glands decided to multiply and replenish the earth as well.
It was so bad that I literally had to wrap my body in paper towels when I performed as a soliost for a production of “The Messiah”. I even had to hold them under my arms in the stage wings until right before walking out under those hot lights.
Gross, right?
THEN! The lovely deodorant companies put out prescription strength deodorant!!!!!!!!!! I use Certain Dri because it is cheaper than the others and works just as well, but I DO love Secret Clinical as well.
I. Don’t. Sweat! I even lugged a 50 lb suitcase all the freak over the UK without one problem. I was sweating everywhere else, but my arms were awesome ‘possum!
I have found I have to rotate each new container. I can’t use one brand twice in a row. I buy suave, then secret, and when that is gone I can switch back to suave. My body must reject it after that long. Yesterday my daughter asked me why they had to invent smelly arm pits. If only they could uninvent it!
Degree – the little black dress approved Degree. LOVE it!
Secret and degree. D stopped working years ago so I went to secret. I’ve used hte fake secret and that was fine too. Then that stopped working so I went back to degree. Not much of a great option. But oh, CertainDry. You can get it at walgrees and maybe walmart. This stuff is amazing wonderful and sent from God himself. In high school I wore two shirts because I’d sweat so much. All my shirts were stained and it was embaressing. But I found this, you put it on at night and after a few weeks it worked great. After a few months even better. And after two years or so I didn’t need it anymore. My sisters had the same problem and it worked for them too.
Certain Dri (I think that’s how the bottle I got was spelled, maybe it was a knockoff) irritated my skin and didn’t work very well for me. I love the way the Dove stuff smells, but it stopped working after a bit, also. Currently I use two different types of Secret and they seem to be working great. I haven’t ever tried Degree. Oh, and I detested the Mitchum that I tried out, and didn’t even use the whole thing (which is kind of a big deal for me, I’m always trying to use up the last tiny bit of whatever bathroom stuff I have before getting more).
Secret’s got a lot of nice scents. I hate smelling like baby powder or the fresh shower scents of deodorant. Both those classic deodorant scents always remind me of gym in middle school.
Have you ever tried just plain baking soda? Worth a go, because it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than anything else. Especially if you buy it at Costco.
Secret Clinical is fabulous. I use it a couple times a week, and use regular Secret the other days. My stinkiness seems to be under control. And my 6 year old has no problem telling me otherwise!
Good luck with the DO. i have no suggestions, and just assume that my Secret still works for me, as I’ve never been told otherwise and the hubby tells me I smell good. I don’t have perfume, so the Secret must be working. Good luck with the donations. I just found out my Dad has organized a group from Kent to go down to Centralia this weekend to help out. Tell him “Hi” for me! π
We ourselves are always the last to know…
Secret is my secret. I recently tried some all-natural stuff just to be, you know, all natural, and it made my armpits so sticky that I was aware of skin “unsticking” every time I raised an arm. Back to Secret.
I like Degree – but that’s because I got it free. (I like to look for deoderants, rather than anti-perspirants.)
I have to say THANK YOU. This is my problem, and I didn’t know what to do! I was beginning to think it was just me! I’m gonna rotate my heart out!
Either Secret Platinum, or Degree Shower Clean…mmmm….love that smell.
Degree. It’s lbd tested.
Secret…for the last 15 years…
I didn’t realize deoderant stops working…I think this happened to me a while ago but I happened to switch anyway. I use Soft and Dry Power Stripe….any scent works and smells good. My husband uses it too!!!
Secret Powder Fresh. My hubby even uses it (and smells so sweet).
Certain Dri is the best kept secret in the deoderant aisle. I sweat like a lumberjack even in 20 degree weather. No more wet armpits. I’m serious. Or your money back. π
I swear this just happened to me too! I’ve been using Dove for at least 5 years now and all the sudden I was like, “I stink!” I thought maybe I was pregnant at first (since I have an overactive nose during pregnancy). But, no. I just really did stink. So I switched to Secret. It seems to be working fine.
What a cruel world that one day you’ve got BO under control and then the next day you stink!
I’ve been using the same deodorant as you, DYM. But Karen’s testimonial is pretty compelling. Think I’ll be trying Certain Dri my ownself.
I LOVE the clinical Secret stuff. I also liked Degree.
I second the Lady Mitchum..
They really do mean it when they say that you can skip a day…
which with a toddler and infant I do, more often than I would like!
I had the same problem. One morning I woke up the onion armpits and didn’t know why. I switched to Secret Clinical. No stinky pits for me!
i also have to sing the praises of secret platinum (soft solid, not clear). it is great, and comes in plenty of different scents. none of them BO.
STOP. Mitchum for Women in Waterlily is by far the best thing ever. I have tried virtually everything and this is the best for stink-free and worry-free. Trust.
Read the ingredients label on Dove. It stopped working for me, too! I loved the original scent… then was bummed because it stopped working. If you read the ingredients label, remember what type of aluminum it is, and then read all the labels in the store and buy a different type of aluminum-based antiperspirant. Worked for me… I ended up with Degree, but only use antiperspirant when I’m acutally going to sweat that day. On the days when I’m a sloth, I use Crystal “Something” Fresh Melon deodorant with no aluminum, just in case the Naturalists are right about aluminum causing alzheimers. LOL!
are you pregnant? am I nosey? yes I am nosey
I use Dove, but I’m one of the lucky people who never stink. It’s just going through the motions, this wearing deodorant.
Certain Dri…it’s a miracle. If I had known about this product during puberty, it would have honestly changed my life. I have my 13yo daughter using it now, and it has given her SO much comfort and confidence. And now that we’ve just moved from Oregon to Texas, I can see that Certain Dri will be an absolute *necessity*!
I’ve used Degree for years and it has always pleased me.
The current version of it that I’m using is:
Degree Women, Ultra Clear, Pure Silver w/TriClear
(it’s a solid but goes on clear)
What the heck is TriClear? I dunno, man. But the thingie says it’s 100% little black dress approved, so if I EVER have the occasion to wear one again, that’s nice, right?
And the ingredients say it has sunflower seed oil in it… no wonder I’ve been feeling as bright as a summer day!
Ok, that last bit made me puke, even though I’m the one that wrote it.
Good luck!
Hm. My comment disappeard. Whaaa?
I had the same problem when I found out I was pregnant. I stunk SO BAD and I normally don’t even sweat. I actually switched TO dove during this from (yes, really i’m 28, and have outgrown it, but love the smell) teen spirit. hahaha.
I’m with liz, spent the money on the pregnancy test instead of 5 different kinds of deodorant.
Actually, I agree with Michelle, Tom’s of Maine is really good. It’s actually a deodorant, as opposed to an anti-perspirant, which all of the others mentioned above are.
Ladies, just be careful using anti-perspirants. Our bodies were made to sweat a little and (embarassing as it may be) they must do so to maintain an appropriate temperature. Also, the chemical in anti-perspirants aluminum chloride has been linked to breast cancer and cancer in the lymph nodes. This is especially a toxic threat if you’re using anti-perspirants like Certain Dri.
I too have over-active sweat glands. My sister and I were both prescribed Certain Dri, but with a family history of breast cancer we eventually figured it wasn’t worth the risk. I now only use natural deodorants, and on hot days try to wear colours that don’t show sweat much. Other things like keeping out of direct sun (better for you anyways) espeically at peak times, and staying hydrated can really help as well.
Good luck and stay healthy!
That’s so weird to hear this happens to others! I LOVED Dove and used it religiously. Until this past August. I began stinking and my armpits were wet, which I never struggled with. I switched to Secret Platinum, and it has been WONDERFUL! Now you can sort through all the comments and let US know what works!
Secret, unscented, clear, un-everythinged. Then again, my opinion may not be worth much, since I also use Dove, and I don’t really sweat much.
I’m a sweaty freak too, and I hate it, but I also hate it that it is socially unacceptable to be sweaty. Nearly everyone sweats. I’m always afraid people will think I have no personal hygiene because I’m always sweaty, but I shower as much as the next person. I wish we could just not care. Ditto on the leg-shaving.
I think it’s adove thing. I used dove since it came out and then it stopped working, I got some of the Arm & Hammer baking soda stuff (it’s bright yellow can’t miss it) and that works pretty well and Suave, anything was working better than the Dove. Did they change the formula???
Funk Butter by Oyin Handmade! It’s all natural, and anyone will be 100% stink free. It’s amazing stuff!