In a stunning comeback, leaping two categories from Tragic Excuses straight up to the Hall of Fame, Rachelle has now been added to the Tattoo Parlor as part of her official coming out party…
She took a bunch of drugs.
Feel free to head on over and congratulate her.
Thanks so much for the link, Kathryn!
I’m so happy for Rachelle. Hope she’s enjoying her second pregnancy. It must mean a lot to her..
Hope you have a great day!
Aw thanks. *blush* And you didn’t push me into posting before I was ready. I was planning on spilling the news this week anyway. So it’s all good. I’m famous now because of this post! LOL!
Already did– she told me.. sometime- it’s a fog. LOL. But… it’s always nice to know that drugs work for some– just wish they’d work for me. 🙂
Aha! A link I can send to my hubby to prove that I’m not the only one completely physically and emotionally EXHAUSTED by pregnancy #2.