Magoo has become addicted to string “cheece.” After 2 string cheeces yesterday, I had a hard time explaining to Laylee why I was rejecting his pitiful cries for more cheece. The bowels, the stoppage. Dude, mom. It’s just cheece.
I explained ad nauseum about variety and how our bodies will only grow healthy and strong if we eat a lot of different foods. If we eat the same thing every meal we’ll die a hideous constipated death, etc.
Laylee: Okay then. What’s for dinner?
Me: Oh. I’m making cheese sandwiches.
Yes I did.
No she didn’t.
But if she had, I would have explained that cheese sandwiches use orange cheese, which might as well be from a different planet than string “cheece.” They’re not even pronounced the same.
Ah, the string-ed cheez food product, a beloved staple of my kids. Oh, that and those little “soft cheese” cups. You can bet that mama has to set limits at our house, too, or everyone under the age of 10 would be constipated permanently – which would really free up bathroom space, now that I think about it….
My kid will not eat cheese which proves my theory that he is adopted.
There was a time for the sake of my child’s bowels that I kept a running total of her fiber intake each day because she was on the brink of a hideous constipated death. Once we reached the magic fiber number for the day and she’d had enough fluids, foods like the cheese could come out again.
We are on the other end (ha!) of the constipation issue with my daughter. Maybe a little more string cheese would do the trick.
Throw in some Cheezits to kick it up a notch, tastewise and fiberwise.
I don’t think cheese really constipates. It’s not on the approved list of foods for the BRAT diet, at any rate (with which I am VERY familiar, after Sunday’s froth incident). But it does plug up your arteries something fierce.
Googie is dying a hideous constipated death, but that’s why she gets laxative everyday. We limit her cheese/milk intake, but on days when she has “too much” we just throw in a little extra.
Counteract the cheese with some pear juice, or an avacado.
If I didn’t keep string “cheece” and peanut butter in my house, one of my girls would be starving to death. She comes by it honestly since apparently that’s what I existed on until I was well into my teen years.
You crack me up 🙂
My 2.5 y.o. is also into “ting teese”, as she calls it. She distignuishes “ting teese” from “lolow teese” (shredded Mexican blend cheese– no idea why she calls it yellow) and “owange teese”, aka “bag teese” (American cheese slices; they’re “owange” if they’re the kind that comes without a wrapper, “bag teese” if they come in a plastic wrapper. She gets that last one from me.)
Oh, and it has the opposite effect of constipating foods for my little monster. Lovely.
Laughing and laughing and laughing…….
I am rolling over here…..Maybe J will lend you some Bi-C (chewable vitamin C), it has the opposite effect, you know.
heh heh.
Moms say the darndest things. And children actually listen, which is scary, sometimes, isn’t it?
oh my god! i can’t believe i “stumbled upon” this site! i thought there was something wrong with my 4-year old daughter because she is obsessed with string cheese and will eat it all day if she could. (i find the little wrappers in her bedroom!) i didn’t know about the constipation aspect, though. we don’t have that problem. i’m just worried about the arteries!!!!