Erin and I have booked our flights and rooms for BlogHer. Some other fun people will likely be joining us. I’m already taking notes on what I want to learn and picking out shoes. Are you going? Would you like to go? The women at Mommybloggers are generously paying for someone’s conference pass and entry is easy this year. The deadline is Friday May 18th so go check it out if you’d like to share a Diet Sprite poolside with me this July in Chicago.
Some kind and obviously blind people have nominated me for a couple of Blogger’s Choice Awards. I’m only about 3 billion votes behind the other nominees so if you’d like to help soften my defeat, vote away. If I get at least 3 total votes, I will likely write a quality blog post sometime this month in your honor.

I’m booked too! No turning back now!
I could barely manage Seattle nevermind Chicago. Wishing you well and trying not to turn green.
Congrats on the muchly deserved nominations!
You better believe I will be there. I cannot wait to hang with my peeps again! We are so going to have fun.
Where are you staying?
Dude, you are so totally in the running for hottest mommy blogger…and you’re even a movie star too! 🙂
Chicago…hmmm well that is somewhat closer than Seattle…and yet still so far away. lol From a financial standpoint of course.
YAY!!! Congrats! Sounds like fun.
Oh yeah, and I totally signed up and voted for you. It’s love baby, toatlly unconditional too.
have a blast. hey i voted, every littler bit helps.
The BlogHer conference looks like so much fun… I presented it to DH like this
“Hey, what would you say if I wanted to go to a conference this summer?”
“Where at?”
“What in the world for?? Wait… is this some blogging thing?”
Rats – he TOTALLY ruined the element of surprise… maybe next year!
Yeah – maybe next year! Hope you have fun, fun, fun!
Big Mama and I have booked a room – but haven’t booked the plane part yet. Or the conference. But, you know, baby steps.
Congratulations on your nominations! I wish I could go (some of my Philly blogger friends will be there), but I will be celebrating the start of the 2nd half of life on the 29th — my 35th birthday!!! Enjoy.