I “borrowed” a handful of washable tattoos from the mommybloggers at BlogHer this summer and mailed them out to about 30 of you. These 30 swore by blood oath to send me pictures of themselves wearing said tatts. Here are the results.
The Hall of Fame
(Aiyaiyai! Check out these hot mamas!)
Abby, in what appears to be a magazine cover photo, of Ode to an Upside Down Cake
Alissa, with the slender ankles of a woman in her 20’s, of Our Experiment in Parenthood
Amy, in how cute are those shoes!, of Pretty Shiny
The Butterfly Girl, with her lovely butterfly tattoo, of Butterfly Girl
Chilihead and her glasses at a PTA meeting of Don’t Try This at Home
Emlouisa’s tough enough Little Man, who happens to be Magoo’s long lost twin, of Emlouisa.com
Fawlyn, hiding out in one of many fun poses, of Quaking Aspen
Heidi, who shares the story of her other tattoo on her super-cute site, Me, Molly & the Moon
Heth, in a rare photo taken while she was out of the laundry pile, of From Under the Laundry Pile
HLH, the mom with the fabulous legs who somehow finds time to make clothes for my daughter, of The Voice
Jeana, the photogenical rebel and an internet kindred spirit, of Laughter for Days to Come
Appleseed, my Puget Sound homey, of Appleseed
Rarely Home Mom, with her fist of power, of Rarely Home Mom
Kristina of And Baby Makes Four let her daughter Siena take one for the team and wear the family tattoo.
Mary (Does she really need an introduction? I hear she gets over 1000 comments on her posts.) of Owl Haven
Nicole of Confessions of Eli’s Mom lets her son show off his muscles in this gorgeous photo.
Rachelle’s son Camden bears his zerbable belly in this adorable picture. I publicly apologize if my internet harassment forced her into revealing her pregnancy before she was ready. But still, YAY! Her blog can be found at Teacher, Mom, Mad Woman
Shalee, lounging gracefully in what I’m sure is a super-typical pose, of Shalee’s Diner
The Hall of Tragic Excuses
(Bloggers who had moderate to excellent excuses as to why they didn’t get pictures to me.)
Beth, Heather, Melessa, Shannon
The Hall of I-Know-Your-Street-Address-And-I-Will-Find-You!
(Women who have not yet produced a photo and who would like you to take your pitchforks and torches over to their blog and gently chide them for their oversight. If you are one of these women, you can be redeemed by sending me a picture stat. An average of 20 people per hour will view this page over the next several days. You’d better hurry.)
Artemis Rich (I hear it’s coming today.), DDM (She says pictures are forthcoming), Margaret (She talks big, but I have yet to see the goods.)
Awesome, baby!! Makes me sad mine washed off…
Mary, mom to many
Glad you posted them, I was wondering when they would be making their appearance on the internet!
Does that tatto make my butt look big?
How cool is that? Great pictures, and now a whole bunch of new blogs to go visit. Thanks, Kathryn!
“An average of 20 people per hour will view this page”.
Yes! I knew it!
😀 Those are cool pictures.
Hope you don’t mind if I leave a comment! I am a friend of one of your fellow bloggers. I just wanted to say that your tattoo idea was a very cool idea! Very creative! 🙂
Love it! Thanks for the tattoo and the opportunity to show my sexy legs (tongue in cheek) to at least 20 people an hour.
LOVE the one on the tongue- that is GREAT!
Those pictures were chock full of fake-tattoo goodness. I am amazed by your power to 1) make women put fake tattoos on themselves or their offspring 2) send photos of said fake tattoos and 3) let you post them on your blog. I bow to you, your Daring Highness.
Smashingly Stunning, Ladies. I do have to say though, my kid looks the baddest out of the whole bunch. (and yes, I am aware that baddest is not really a word)
YeeeHA! Now the internet thinks I’m a cowgirl.
Great photos all around!
Wow!! New blogs to read. I only know Rarely Home Mom and Owlhaven…. did you meet all these ladies via blogs? Wow.
This was so much fun! What a great idea. I loved seeing the photos of everyone, and “The Hall of Tragic Excuses” is brilliant. Of course, I should be irritated because this means I’ll have to check out these blogs, and I’m not even caught up with the blogs I already read!
OK. Antique Mommy is so not antique looking.
What I see of Heth is far too lamourous and trendy to believe she has so many kids. What is your secret, woman??
And oh my word, EmLouisa’s boy seriously IS Magoo’s long lost twin. I totally thought that was Magoo!!!
That is a pretty cool tattoo. You have a pretty great response going there! Glad I stopped by to take a look!
This has to be one of my favorite posts that you’ve done, not just because I’m “lounging gracefully in what I’m sure is a super-typical pose” pose. Where else can ladies all over the world unite for the sole purpose of saying that “Blogging is way too important in our lives.” Yeah, you gotta love it.
That my friend was a lot of fun! Thanks for pulling it all together, DYM. You totally rock.
And AM: There is nothing big on you to be seen, except for your heart.
What a fun & different idea! 🙂