I am Kathryn Thompson. I write things. This is my personal blog.
My computer genius husband and I moved to the pacific northwest in 2003 after we graduated from BYU where I studied Media Arts and English. While he finished school, I worked in libraries. Yep. We’re Mormons.
Since 2003, I’ve had the greatest job on the planet, raising three frequently delightful and always interesting children. Nicknamed Laylee (2003), Magoo (2005), and Wanda (2009), these three fill me with joy, drive me crazy, give meaning to my life, and never ever ever flush the toilet.
After Magoo was born in May 2005, I took up blogging to help get over the post-partum anxiety that had rocked our happy little world.
I blogged for nine years at DaringYoungMom.com and several other outlets large and small before migrating to DropsofAwesome.com, a URL derived from my all-time most-viewed post and the Journal it spawned, released in September 2014 from Familius.
I write fiction in my spare time and Dan plays in local bands. We scuba dive every couple of years and we love kayaking and sitting. Sitting is a favorite around here.