I drove behind a semi-truck for a couple of miles that was either full of freshly cut evergreen trees or Vicks Vaporub.
I heard bells chime on a classical recording yesterday morning.
Last week I could see my breath.
Is it wrong that I spent 20 minutes in the totally premature and inappropriate decorations isle in mid-September pushing buttons on jiggly snowmen so I could Magoo could watch them dance and sing carols?
When we walked into Costco and Laylee saw the sparkling lights, trees and snowmen, she said, “Those are Christmas decorations. It’s not Christmas yet. [pointing to the decorations.] That’s NOT. RIGHT.”
Guess I shouldn’t tell her that one year in college I decorated for Christmas on Halloween night. I’m certain she would not approve.
One thing she does approve of is this fabulous sparkly ballet skirt, sent as a surprise gift from our friend Heather. Thanks for the fru-fru. We love it.
Don’t those sparkles remind you of a certain season, a large new star that appeared somewhere or other, a giant nutcracker? Yeah, me neither. Juuuuuust checking.
reasons: cabbage-patch kids
I try to have all my Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving, but I am not allowed to decorate anytime before that. I agree with the rule though, every holiday should get it’s share of the attention.
And nothing is cuter than a little girl in tights, leotard and a tutu.
I’d just like for retailers to give a passing glance at other holidays too…you know, instead of making as big a deal over Halloween/Christmas/Easter, they could spread it out & have decorations aplenty for all the holidays. (I mean, come on, poor groundhog’s day gets nothing, not even a card!) Then it wouldn’t seem like they are rushing us through their fiscal year like giddy little children through their candy/gifts on Halloween/Christmas/Easter day. But that’s just me. 🙂
I’m sending this post to my sister, every year she gets itchy to decorate earlier and earlier but it’s been a standing agreement with her and her husband that part of her birthday present in the middle of November is to get to put up the Christmas decorations. No sooner. I tease her (lovingly of course) about her Christmas-ishness.
I bought my christmas cards on clearance after new years… now if I can only dig them out from behind my desk I can get them addressed early
Soooo cute. I remember the Halloween decorating night. Oh how I miss it! 🙂
I laughed when I read your post, since mine was also Christmas oriented. We must be on the same page. Just different sides. But don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you that you decorated for Christmas on Halloween. At least I’ll try not to.
Laylee looks darling. While we have rules about when we get to trim Christmas, the Nutcracker cd and dvd are always out at our house.
My roommates at BYU and I had a rule to try to keep from listening to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. I broke that rule several times! Oh how I love it!
I’m going to have to make my daughter a tutu for her birthday, maybe she’ll be a ballerina for halloween (birthday is just a few days before). Thanks for the idea 🙂
Yesterday when we pulled into the garage, Henry said, “Is that our Christmas tree up there?” (Yes, we have a plastic tree; get over it.)
I said yes, it is. “Can we put it up?” he asked. “Because then it will be CHRISTMAS!” He has also started to declare, “It’s getting colder; I think it’s almost Christmas.”
Did I mention that it’s NINETY DEGREES here?
Forget decorating – we can’t even listen to Christmas music before Friday after Thanksgiving. But we’re cheating this year with our Barenaked Ladies “Barenaked for the Holidays” CD. Carter and Roz like the part where they sing, “What fun it is to laugh and sing…” and then they stop and go, “Ha ha ha. AHHHHHH!”
So we’re already in the mood. It’s only 80 days away, after all.
Laylee is adorable and so is her little skirt. I want one.
I am amazed at how early retailers start selling Christmas decorations. Halloween is not even over yet people! What about Thanksgiving?! I admit that I start thinking about Christmas this time of year, so I can have all the presents purchased by Thanksgiving. But I definitely don’t decorate until at least after Thanksgiving.
In my opinion… To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. I love Christmas… but one of the best things about the Christmas season is that it comes once a year. That way you have something to look forward to and anticipate. Would the Christmas season really be as fun if it lasted six months? I don’t think so.
Laylee is right…you are wrong…
Of course she might take a little glee in the upcoming Halloween more so than you, so perhaps thats why she doesn’t want to rush it!
Laylee is so right that she should be in charge of marketing in Walmart! It. Is. Not. Right! Let us at least get through a couple of holidays before they start with the pawning on us of all things that distorts the meaning of Christmas. Off soapbox now.
Love the fru-fru. It’s absolutely adorable!
Well, slap a bow on me and call me the Grinch, but I agree with Laylee. It. Is. Just. Wrong.
Every year the decorations appear in store earlier and earlier. Pretty soon, we’ll be celebrating 4th of July with Santa. Disgusting. Totally ruins the holiday for me. Couldn’t they wait until after Halloween to start putting up the tinsel and bows?
Fru-fru is WAYY adorable.
thanks for the picture Kathryn- she looks very cute! Much more ballerina like than when she was sans tutu! I knew she’d like the sparkles and sequins!
thanks again!
OOOOOOO!!!!!! I can feel it, feel it, feel it!!! Around this time of year my whole body begins to tingle and my cheeks start to get stiff from the perma grin, and my heart starts to beat just a bit faster. Oooo, oooo, oooo!!!!
In our house, Christmas music is okay after Halloween on weekends, then everyday, ALL day, after Thanksgiving. I am cheeating just a bit by downloading all my Christmas music onto my iPod right now and sometimes a girl needs to check and make sure the cd’s not scratched. Decorations come out the first weekend of Dec. only because the anticipation makes it all the more sweet. And the confession I make here today, only under the blanket of web annonimity (sp?), is that I decorated my new house to match my Christmas decorations. YES I DID!!! You should come visit, it looks like a magazine. (Well, a cheap magazine.)
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some Manheim Steamroller to transfer….
I am covering my ears and humming loud, non-Christmas-y songs. I’ll think about it in November. 🙂
christmas already? its BARELY october!
LOVE the sparkles, i need to get me some of that!
Growing up, we always had a fake tree (besides being better for the environment, my brother was horridly allergic to firs and pines), and it went up, without fail, the day after Thanksgiving. I mean, it’d be a shame to waste a day off from school, right? The other decorations appeared shortly after that. The decorations didn’t come down until Epiphany, January 6 (also Armenian Christmas to some of our friends.)
Personally, we’re having a hard time getting into the Christmas decorating groove, seeing as I hate my apartment and want to be absent from it as much as possible. But I do listen to Christmas music year-round, and love it when the stores put the decorations out. There’s nothing wrong with a little Christmas spirit any tme of the year!
The first year we were married we put up our stuff on November 1st or 2nd. Last year we had to wait until Thanksgiving Day because we didn’t have time before then. This year, we might wait until Christmas Eve so that we spend as little of the joyful season telling Reagan “DON’T TOUCH THAT” as possible.
So…yesterday I was painting some
Christmas ornaments in my kitchen when I thought, “Hmmmm. I should go see how the Darings are doing.” Please don’t let Laylee know what I was doing!!!
E is looking at your floating heads and CRACKING up. He’s saying, “Look at those silly ladies!”
I know I’m late… but is that a new haircut I see?
Is it???
I’m liking….
I must confess….I’m a bit of a christmas nut. I’ve already started on my neighbor/friend ornaments and I’m getting all excited about the upcoming season. Sometimes I wonder, though, if all my excitement beforehand sets me up for a little bit of disappointment when it actually arrives…mostly because I can’t get everything done that I have planned in my over-excited head! Oh well….love it anyway!
Oooo…. CHRISTMAS! We loooooove Christmas. Will forgive darned near any and every decorating faux pas for the forty five minutes my girls will sit still in their car seats listening to carols, craning their necks for the next yard/light display every. single. night. of the Christmas season. I get to chat with Dadguy and they can’t get out of their seats. PEACE on freakin’ earth!
We are still gearing up for the BIG rides during Halloween and they are usually only good for about fifteen minutes… maybe it’s the lack of soundtrack.
Dude. My 2 year old think Jingle Bells is a song like unto I Am A Child of God. She’s been having tantrums since LAST Christmas when I won’t play it in the car. For the love!!! It’s 100 degrees outside!!! She’ll be so excited when I finally break out the CD after Halloween.
p.s. when you gonna post the Blog tats!? i wanna see em!
It’s beginning to smell a lot like Vaporub…
Hey, it’s about time to start addressing those Christmas cards! I don’t mean to rush the season or anything, I just like to get some things done early.I’m in a bell choir and we’ve been practicing Christmas music since July.
Oh, my. Christmas already!?!? We just bought our Halloween candy, and I thought we were pretty ahead of the game. Now, I love Christmas as much as the next person, but that does seem a bit rushed…
Ah, a Canadian after my own heart!!!!!!!! I have had people critize me one year for having my tree up before Thanksgiving. (Mind you it was only a week, but it was the only time we had to put it up or it would not have made it for christmas.) I am always eager to have Christmas up. I never understood why until it dawned on me that Thanksgiving is this week, and when we moved the the States I HATE IT being the 3rd week of Novemeber. I’m sorry I love president Lincoln but I think he was way off here! 🙂
So anyway, here I am starting to listen to my Christmas music and loving the fact that Thanksgiving is right before my favorite time of the year and I can remember how grateful I am for the birth of the Savior. I don’t see how Thanksgiving and Christmas need to compete, to me they work beautifully well together.
I LOVE decorating as early as I possibly can…I SO love Thanksgiving and Christmas!!! We put a scarecrow sitting on some haystacks and a pumpkin that you stuff with like leaves out this past weekend…BEAUTIFUL…and we have some lights out there for night time viewers!!!