I will never review a product for monetary compensation.
I will always disclose when the product or service I’m reviewing was provided to me free of charge.
I will never accept free product with the understanding that I will write a positive review about the product. First of all, I try not to accept a product unless I think there is a good chance I will really like it and want to tell my readers about it. On the few occasions that I have received a product I did not particularly like, I have either offered to send it back to the company, <a href=”http://www.daringyoungmom.com/2008/11/12/crazy-for-games-giveaway/”>given it away with no review attached</a> hoping someone else would like it, or given <a href=”http://www.daringyoungmom.com/2008/12/14/popstar-guitar-review-and-giveaway/”>a review that points out its failings</a>.
I have embedded affiliate links on my page. If you click to Amazon, for example, I will make a small amount of money off of your purchase.
Go to DaringYoungMom.com for the long version.