I could hear their bickering from upstairs and tried to ignore them. Soon it spilled out into the hall and shortly Laylee was at my side with her arms folded.
“Mom! Magoo’s being so mean to me.”
“Yeah?” I asked, with a bored tone to my voice.
“Mo-om. He’s being so mean, like really really mean,” she continued, visibly distressed.
“What did he do?”
“He was calling me ‘Laylee Middle Name Thompson’!”
NO! He dared to call you by your NAME!? Like your full NAME!? That I gave you!?
I’m trying to think of a punishment for that particular crime. I’ve got nothing. I could call him by his full name but that doesn’t escalate things at all and I’m all about escalation. Maybe I could also start referring to all of his body parts by their correct biological names, his fingers becoming phalanges, his jaw becoming a mandible. I don’t know though. It’s just so MEAN…this proper name-calling.
Carrie says
One year one of my students was getting upset because some kids in class were calling him by his full name. I thought it was pretty funny and a little strange that he would get so worked up about something so trivial. When I told his mom about it she said that he was probably upset by it because the only time someone uses his full name is when he’s in trouble. He must not have liked it when kids his own age were acting as if they could punish him.
I still think it’s funny when kids react that way to their FULL name. Heaven forbid anyone call you by your full name. 🙂
Beth says
Oh, I don’t know the middle name can be scary! I know when I hear my whole name come out of my parent’s mouths my stomach drops into my toes. If my little brother had started up with me that way I would think he was poking fun and being mean.
Heather says
I love it!
All Women Stalker says
Hahaha! I swear Laylee is my favorite blogger’s kid ever 😀