Okay. These people are driving me nuts. Since we bought our home, we’ve been inundated with telemarketing calls, especially those asking us to refinance our home. These started maybe 2 weeks after we signed our original mortgage. Sheesh!
We also get a ton of calls for home security systems, calls to thank us for past donations we’ve never made and ask for future donations to all kinds of causes, calls telling us we’ve “won,” you name it.
I’ve put our number on the National Do Not Call List but this does not stop people calling for “charitable donations,” if we “have a prior business relationship” with them or basically if they are in any way associated with any organization with whom whence and therefore we have done business with at one time in regards to the aforementioned………AHHHHHHHH!
So, I’m asking for your ideas on how to stop them – or at least drive them nuts. I have two suggestions:
1. Dan found a marvelous little device called THE TELECRAPPER 2000 TELEMARKETER INTERCEPTION SYSTEM. It is “a computerized system designed to intercept incoming Telemarketing calls on the first ring, and then carry on a virtual conversation with the telemarketer.”
If you go to their site and click on “example conversations” you can hear the machine carrying on long and laugh-until-you-cry-funny conversations with unsuspecting telemarketers. We do not have the device as it is not exactly “market ready.” However, it’s definitely worth a listen.
2. Refinance your home. That’s right folks. Now that we’ve been out of college for more than 10 minutes and are “land holders”, we can get a much better rate on a real home loan from a reputable lender. So now when they call we say, “What a great idea! We’re doing that right now. Can you please take us off your calling list?”
What have you got for me? I’m sure you can do better than this. I dare you.